Thursday, December 31, 2009



always provide for you
always show you mercy
always give you guidance
always direct your step

always watch over you
always show you the truth
always give you the strength
to trust Him in all things

To Spur Us on to Faith- Rebecca Greenwood

Here are promises of what faith provides to each of us:

1. It is an unquestioning, unwavering belief that does not require proof or evidence.
2. A true faith is triumphant in the worst situations.
3. Faith seeks God and His Kingdom first.
4. Faith believes in God's goodness.
5. Faith stands on God's Word.
6. Faith obeys God's commands.
7. Faith lives life on God's promises.
8. Faith is full of joy.
9. Faith is full of thanksgiving and praise.
10. Faith praises God.
11. Faith causes worship to rise up within us.
12.. Faith rejects the spirit of this present evil age.
13. Faith releases Kingdom authority.
14. Faith seeks a heavenly home.
15. Faith perseveres in the seasons of testing.
16. Faith blesses the next generation.
17. Faith refuses sin's pleasures.
18. Faith endures persecution.
19.. Faith performs mighty acts of righteousness.
20. Faith suffers for God.
.21. Faith does not return to this world and its way.
22. Faith steps into the new moves of God.
23. Faith moves mountains.
24. Faith prays, hears God's voice and believes His words.
25. Faith speaks forth the word of God.
26. Faith knows the love of God.
27. Faith is captivated by Jesus.
28. Faith releases anointing and the supernatural

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

I am A SOLDIER In the Army of God

I am a soldier in the army of my God.

The Lord Jesus is my Commanding Officer.
The Holy Bible is my code of conduct.
Faith, prayer and the Word are my weapons of Warfare.

I have been taught by the Holy Spirit,

trained by experience,tried by adversity,
and tested by fire.

I am a volunteer in this army,

and I am enlisted for eternity
I will either retire in this army at the rapture
or die in this Army;
but I will not get out,
sell out, be talked out,or pushed out.

I am faithful,
reliable, capable, and dependable.
If my God needs me,
I am there.

If He needs me in Sunday school,
to teach children,
work with the youth, help adults, or just sit and learn.
He can use me, because I am there!

I am a soldier.
I am not a baby.
I do not need to be pampered, petted,
primed up,pumped up, picked up, or pepped up.

I am a soldier. No one has to call me.
Remind me, write me, visit me, entice me, or lure me.

I am a soldier.
I am not a wimp. I am in place,
saluting my king, obeying His orders, praising His name,
and building His kingdom!

I am a soldier.

No one has to send me flowers, gifts, food, cards,candy,
or give me handouts
I do not need to be cuddled, cradled, cared for, or catered to.

I am committed

I cannot have my feelings hurt bad enough.
I cannot be discouraged enough to turn me aside.
I cannot lose enough to cause me to quit.

When Jesus called me into this army,
I had nothing.
If I end up with nothing,
I will still come out even.

I will win.
My God will supply all my needs.
I am more than a conqueror.
I will always triumph.
I can do all things through Christ.

I am a soldier
Devils cannot defeat me
People cannot disillusion me.
Weather cannot weary me
Sickness cannot stop me
Battles cannot beat me.
Money cannot buy me.
Governments cannot silence me
and hell cannot handle me!

I am a soldier.
Even death cannot destroy me.
For when my commander calls me from this battlefield,
He will promote me to a captain
and then bring me back to rule this world with Him.

In the army.
and I’m marching, claiming victory.
I am a soldier,
marching heaven bound.
Here I stand! Will you stand with me?

(author : unknown)

Friday, November 20, 2009

My experience in Newcastle Healing Rooms

with the Directors -Ray and Anne
at the HRm

It is a very comfy and most homey place to enter into. There's soft worship music being played in the background and at the reception you are greeted by a very friendly person who gives you a form to fill up and you will sit at the waiting room on nice settees or arm chairs. There are some reading materials laid on the table :-bibles, some files with testimonies, pamphlets on healing and also 'communion is available' for anyone who wants to partake of it while waiting.

Looking up , your eyes will catch sight of signs encouraging you to be silent and to wait upon God as healing can start right there at the waiting area. Many have commented that upon entering the waiting area, they can feel the Presence of God and being still and silent is not a problem bec the Peace will descend upon those who come seeking.. that's why those who come for prayers are called
seekers over here... :o)

After a short while, you will be ushered into the ministry room where a team of 2 or 3 enthusiastic people will greet you. You are then invited to take a seat on a comfy arm chair. The leader will look you in the eye and with a smile ask you warmly and most casually a very important question ie " now what would you like Jesus to do for you today?" This was my experience when I first step-in to the Newcastle Healing Rooms as a patient bec I had an allergy from some sun-block I applied when I first came here... 1st hand experience and Wow!!! :o)

Since then, this wonderful place has become familiar and dear to me bec I have the greatest opportunity to join in as a team member..most wonderful experience. I think I had email some back home in KL saying 'PTL! We have the same Holy Spirit here in Newcastle, Australia too...'

Though operating under a smaller and less busy tempo, I have since witnessed how arms and feet being literally lengthened and grown into the same size , sickness gone, eye readjusted and many more, faces lit up and smiles brightened as patients-( oh, here they are called 'seekers'- nicer word too...) but most of all have heard many 'seekers' saying that they felt loved whenever they come for prayers at the Healing Rooms.. so important and I think this is the essence of the Healing Rooms- being a 'safe place' for everyone to come and leave feeling loved bec God is love...!!

Another nice place to be in is of course the team room where we gather and soak... over here, team members take turns doing the anointing. We soak and share anything which the Lord may reveal, we give thanks and take communion together. This is a very precious time bec each and everyone get a personal 'booster' , I mean a personal word and is encouraged before being released fully charged for ministry in the individual rooms. What a way to go because it is really refreshing to hear different team members speaking over lives- and PTL every pair that is randomly called upon to do the anointing have special words given specifically for every one every session.. how amazing ! and talking about the whole team moving and serving under the anointing of the Holy Spirit!! Totally awesome... that is the norm btw... every team member is allowed to have a go...yes, Lord!

After ministry, team members re-gather and have a de-briefing session- sharing the cases and giving thanks for what God has done for each seeker who has walked in before being dismissed. I really enjoy these de-briefing sessions tho short bec often times, we marvel at what God does in our room and also the other rooms... building up faith and also learning new things here and there...

HOW GREAT IS OUR GOD... what a privilege and honour to be a small part in the Body and be so blessed... I am enriched and surely enjoyed every moment and sharing the joy and experience of seeing God touch lives... yes Lord more of YOU...Praise Adonai!!

my farewell at the Starfish with Anne, Ray, Sharon and Margaret (fr left to right- these are my OZ family- thank God for their love, kindness and prayers... :o)

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Enter Into Your Father's Embrace..

I am so grateful and praise God for His faithfulness and His grace ; that He does not judge me because Jesus has been judged on my behalf... that I am redeemed and now walk into the freedom to be who He has meant me to be...

1 Cor 2:9 - No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived, what God has installed for those who love Him...

The Lord has this to say...

#“You called me Master and Lord, but yet you do not obey Me, You called me Father, yet you do not come and enter into My embrace..”

“ For only in Me and in My Presence are you secured and protected ...for in the midst of the billow of the wind and storm, I AM your Refuge and Your Deliverer, I AM your Comfort and your Peace.. Come into My embrace and enter into My Rest...” #

If we would only take heed to His Voice, if we would only allow Abba Father to cover us under His Wings, if we would only CHOOSE to believe and not doubt Him...

If we would only stop asking the wrong questions like "why me??" which is an invalid question, a ' victim question' which turn us into 'invalids' but rather ask , "Lord , what and how can I learn from this? -He told us not to be shocked when we enter into trials but to know that in every trial we are transformed from glory unto glory... every trial is a 'promotion' and has a guaranteed result of victory if we would go through with it with Him holding our hands..He has got the answer and He has provided the way, if we would only cease struggling and stop shadow boxing- and allow Him to take the wheels and enter into His embrace... KNOWING that nothing and no one can separate us from His LOVE (Rom 8:35-39)... to have the Blessed Assurance that Jesus is mine!!

#Do not Fear, only believe.. be strong and of good courage, do not be afraid or dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.. (Josh 1:9)#

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

The flower that follows the sun does so even on cloudy days.
-- Robert Leighton

Nobody ever outgrows Scripture; the book widens and deepens with our years.

-- Charles H. Spurgeon

Character is what you are in the dark.

-- Dwight L. Moody

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

He awakens my ear to hear

A musical Dummie ( a Noob in music?)!!
I guess that’s me because I can’t read any music scores or the ‘taugeh’ they called notes... even though music touches my soul..
I was watching this programme about an acclaimed Conductor for the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra- Herbert Von Karajan. The Conductor for this world renowned and prestigious Orchestra said this, ”even with my eyes closed, I can distinguish every sound and every note that is produced by every piece of the instrument played by my 120 musicians...” Imagine, how well his ears are tuned to every single sound produced.. totally amazing!

So what is that for me?? Faith comes from hearing and hearing the word of God (Rom 10:17). It didn’t say “having heard” but it says HEARING- present continuous
Does Jesus still speak today? Are we able to distinguish His voice as the lamb will know the Shepherd’s voice?.. Am I able to discern His voice? Do I have the right Frequency and am I on the right channel? Am I counted in His Orchestra?
Jn1:1 The Word became life and the Word is Life... are we tuned in to hear what He has to say? or are we tone deaf?

In Jesus’ time, He went about healing the sick and feeding the thousands. There was a multitude that had followed Jesus and all were amazed having heard His sermon on the Mount and wondered how this son of a carpenter had such wisdom and authority until one day,Jesus said to eat of His flesh and drink of His blood ...all but 12 left because they were offended by what they heard (the Jews do not drink blood!! Well, we have the hind-sight now but imagine if you were there and Jesus asked you to eat His flesh and drink His blood)..Jesus then asked His disciples, “are you leaving also?” and Peter answered “where would we go because when YOU speak, Your word is life to my spirit...”

Sometimes we may not yet fully understand nor able to explain what His Word means but we know that there is something that He has deposited into our spirit.. even though we can’t defend or explain it in a public discourse- we know that the Word He spoke brings LIFE... liken to a seed that had fallen on good soil, in due time we will see and taste of the fruit... those who has ears ,let them hear...

Jesus only does what His Father asks Him to do- there is this in-built antenna in Him who has an unhindered 'reception', ever-tuned to His Father's voice.

Is my antenna up to hear from Him too? Am I fine-tuned to discern and recognise the voice of my Beloved and Lord? and then am I 'an amplifier' who magnifies the sound of the good news of Jesus Christ in HIStory? Am I a part of His great Orchestra who hears His heart-beat and become be a Trail Blazer for Him?

Isa 50:4-5
...The Lord has given me, the tongue of the learned. That I should know how to speak a Word in season to him who is weary,He awakens me morning by morning, He awakens my ear to hear as the learned
The Lord has opened my ear and I was not rebellious, nor did I turn away...

A compass and a donkey

I am extremely fascinated by a compass because no matter where you may turn it ; no matter how you try to trick it; whether you are in the dark or in a storm; in fact under any and every circumstance , it will still point back to the same direction every time.. it bounces right back and points to the same direction ..

Is Jesus my Compass?? That no matter what life may throw at me, I will bounce right back and look to Him.. no matter how distracted or distorted or disorientated things may seem to be , I will still choose to face Him and trust Him through it all.. is He also the Anchor of my soul..?

Isa50:7 ...for the Lord help me, therefore I will not be disgraced; Therefore I have set my face like a flint and I know that I will not be ashamed...
2Cor4:8-9 .... we are hard pressed on every side, yet not crushed, we are perplexed, but not in despair, persecuted, but not forsaken, struck down but not destroyed..

A story was told that a farmer had an old donkey but it fell into a deep hole.. he tried all means and ways but was not able to get it out.. the farmer finally gave up and decided to just bury it.. so he began using his spade to shove dirt into the hole, trying to bury it.. well, the donkey didn’t like the dirt one bit you see ! ... so it shrugged off the dirt and stepped on it, the farmer shoved more dirt and the donkey shook it off its back and stepped on it again - he threw in the dirt, it shook it off and after some time, guess what?.. the donkey is standing on ground level, able to walk out safe and sound...

Hmm, isn’t this a great lesson we can learn and also apply daily?? that we should shrug off and shake off all the dirt that is thrown on us and step on it.. we will be standing tall on sure foundation in Christ, trampling over the enemy...

Well we can’t really stop the birds from flying over us but we certainly can stop them from building nests on our heads.. something to really ponder upon...

To have spiritual tenacity.. to have the iron in our soul.. to have the blessed assurance of the Presence and the Hands of God upon us to walk and see us through daily because He loves us and He that has called me by my name is Faithful and Just -knowing that God is Good all the time and all the time God is Good!

It is not about how we started the race but about how we are to end the Race....

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Red Dust Storm

I was awakened by my landlady early in the morning.."Joanna, come and look at this.."

Walked out and stared at the window and my jaw dropped because I've never seen anything like that before.. everywhere is in bright orange and the wind was gushing at full force.. visibility was poor and the bright orange colour- it was like I had orange lens over my eyes- immediately my mind wandered to the prophecy of the end days where the sun will be like blood and there will be destruction everywhere...

We have entered into spring 3 weeks ago here in Australia and have been seeing clear blue skies until today.. I can't describe the feeling of being engulfed in a sea of orange- it was a massive dust storm which has blown over this area and it lasted for many hours...

Someone commented that when they woke up.. they asked "Jesus , are you coming back today?".. well I thought to myself - if and when Jesus returns, we will hear the sound of the trumpet and in the twinkling of the eye, we will be caught up.. so if I am still asking Jesus is, that you..? would it also mean that I am already left behind... that is a wake up call really !!

I wouldn't want to be left behind... oh NO!!

In the church this week ,the pastor was just challenging each of us to make a difference and to be significant - to make everyday count...

At this juncture of time both the righteous and the unrighteous enjoy the general blessings of God because His Presence is still extended on earth.. where the sun shines and the rain falls and the unbelievers also get to enjoy the overflow of this Presence.. and you have many who are happy and asked -what do I need God for when I am already having everything??
but the day will come and it is sooner than we could anticipate ,when God will withhold and remove His Presence from the earth ie for those who don't accept Him , there will be an eternal separation where there will be darkness and gnashing of teeth forever.. a very real and frightening reality... be sober...

maybe many are still questioning and debating on the question that if God is a God of love , how can He send anyone to hell..?.. the answer is -it is not God will send but rather those who don't believe in Him and refuse to choose God, well, they have CHOSEN to be in the place where God will no longer be - a definite frightful thought of being eternally separated from this Source of Life, Source of Love and Source of Light- when you are separated from the Source of Life- you can only have death and torment and liken to an anguishing fire that keeps encroaching and burning and scorching forever and ever...

We who are in Christ definitely have the urgency to bring in the harvest- even if it means just One more soul because who can and be able to face eternal damnation- this is too important a mission for us to abort or worse still 'not to be bothered about because each soul is a heart beat and is important to God... let us not live life like yesterday.. let us catch the urgency and intensity and let us be propelled to be enrolled in the great army of God and as the Lord of Hosts goes forth- let us not be a step slower or be found slackened but be on spot and be counted for Him... be significant and bring the difference in....

Oh that when the day come, Maranatha, in the twinkling of the eye, I too will be caught up to my Beloved and as He looks into my eyes , He will say " faithful servant , come enter into My rest...!! :o)

Friday, September 18, 2009

Not Exempted ....

Why God Permits Pain
(by Rubel Shelly)

God allows suffering, but He is not the one who causes it and sends it into our lives. We experience pain because we live in physical bodies in a contingent world. We suffer emotional pain because we are sensitive to misfortune, loss, and injustice. And the most horrible wounds that come to our spirits are traceable to our own wrong choices-- rebelling against God and doing horrible things to one another.

Faith is not a vaccine against these things.

Faith is a relationship with God that provides the daily presence, strength, and encouragement of the Living Christ for whatever comes your way. It doesn’t exempt you, but it does sustain you.

Instant peace and easy answers are not God's promise to you. His pledge is that you will never be unloved and alone.

Pray for pain/sufferings to be a bridge rather than a barrier for you. Never feel obliged to deny its reality or menace. But trust God to provide sufficient grace for each day. Give him the chance to turn Satan’s attempt to destroy your faith into a solid spiritual victory.

"My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness"
(2 Corinthians 12:9).

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Who I am in God !!

The prayer closet is the area which produces the overcomer. - Paul E. Billheimer

Psalm 139:16 (New Living Translation)

16 You saw me before I was born.
Every day of my life was recorded in your book.
Every moment was laid out
before a single day had passed..

Psalm 139:16 (The Message)

13-16 Oh yes, you shaped me first inside, then out;
you formed me in my mother's womb.
I thank you, High God—you're breathtaking!
Body and soul, I am marvelously made!
I worship in adoration—what a creation!
You know me inside and out,
you know every bone in my body;
You know exactly how I was made, bit by bit,
how I was sculpted from nothing into something.
Like an open book, you watched me grow from conception to birth;
all the stages of my life were spread out before you,
The days of my life all prepared
before I'd even lived one day.

Psalm 139:16 (New American Standard Bible)

16Your (A)eyes have seen my unformed substance;
And in (B)
Your book were all written
The (C)
days that were ordained for me,
When as yet there was not one of them.

Cross references:

  1. Psalm 139:16 : Job 10:8-10; Eccl 11:5
  2. Psalm 139:16 : Ps 56:8
  3. Psalm 139:16 : Job 14:5

Friday, September 4, 2009

He promised!

God didn't promise day without pain,
laughter without sorrow,
sun without rain.

But He did promise strength for the day,

comfort for tears and light for the way.
-- Author Unknown

A life in thankfulness releases the glory of God.
-- Bengt Sundberg

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Abide In My Love

" As the Father hath loved me, so have I loved you: abide ye in my love " Jn15:9 -

-Andrew Murray - Abide In Christ

Lord,teach us...God is love. Love is His very being. Love is not an attribute, but the very essence of His nature, the centre around which all His glorious attributes gather. The love of the Father to the Son is that divine passion with which He delights in the Son, and speak, "My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased." The divine is as a burning fire; in all its intensity and infinity it has but one object and but one joy, and that is the only begotten Son. When we gather together all the attributes of God- His infinity, His perfection, His immensity, His majesty, His omnipotence- and consider them but the rays of the glory of His love, we still fail in forming any conception of what that love must be. It is a love that passeth knowledge.

And yet this love of God to His Son must serve, O my soul, as the glass in which you are to learn how Jesus loves you. As one of His redeemed ones, you are His delight, and all His desire is to you, with the longing of a love which is stronger than death, and which many waters cannot quench. His heart yearns after you, seeking your fellowship and your love. Were it needed, He could die again to possess you. As the Father loved the Son, and could not live without Him- so Jesus loves you. His life is bound up in yours; you are to Him inexpressibly more indispensable and precious than you ever can know. You are one with Himself. "As the Father hath loved Me, so have I loved you." What a love!.....

It is a perfect love. It gives all, and holds nothing back. "The Father loveth the Son, and hath given all things into His hand." And just so Jesus loves His own: all He has is theirs. When it was needed, he sacrificed His throne and crown for you: He did not count His own life and blood too dear to give for you. His righteousness, His Spirit, His glory, even His throne, all are yours. This love holds nothing , nothing back, but, in a manner which no human mind can fathom, makes you one with itself. O wondrous love! to love us even as the Father loved Him, and to offer us this love as our everyday dwelling....

Friday, August 28, 2009


Never give in, never give in, never, never, never, never - in
nothing, great or small, large or petty - never give in except
to convictions of honor and good sense.

-- Winston Churchill

The Great Ocean Road


++ Dramatic-powerful-dangerous and majestic.
How can words describe some of the world's most impressive coastline?

From golden sandy beaches to the stark brutality of wave-torn cliffs backed by mountain ranges reaching skywards from the sea.
This is primeval country where man pales into insignificance...
The power and the majesty of nature reigns supreme in the awe-inspiring sea and landscape...++

(the Island Arch and Razorback-grand architecture carved by surf)

The above description was taken from a tourist brochure for a visit to the Great Ocean Road where the spectacular scenic view of the Port Campbell National Park is found... frankly I don't think they have exaggerated the beauty in any way- personally the beauty and the scenery was indeed breath-taking and looking at the majestic creation and the work of art carved by the ocean -only one sentence befit the description- we have an Awesome God!!

Magnificent view of wide spread of the natural 'carving' of the ocean...

Alan, Christina and I at the Twelve Apostles

The kind English couple ie Stasha's host family in Melbourne who were so kind to drive me over 3 hours there
.. what a wonderful couple who always bless people that cross their path..

the Twelve Apostles (huge stones monoliths )

Port Campbell National Park - Loch Ard Gorge (ship wreck site)

I've found a 'hiding place' for myself in a spot up on the cliff where I could over look the sea and also view of Newcastle City and I can always be found there because the view is awesome... tho I was able to visit some of the other spectacular beaches around Kiama area off Sydney, I still find my favourite spot in Newcastle incomparable until this place where the Twelve Apostles is-... and I say wow! and double wow!!...
:o) :o) :o)

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


The Royal Dental Hospital where Stasha spends most of her time
Graduate House (One of Melbourne Uni's Entrances)

Engineering Building

UniMelb Wilson Hall (MPH)

Old Arts Building
Ormond College nearby

Trintiy College-nearby

The 'Professor Walk'
South Lawn-hanging out in the open air

The Old Arts Building with the clock tower

Monday, August 17, 2009

More of Melbourne

colourful sculptures along the Yarra River

Botanical Gardens

Botanical Gardens

Floral Clock at Queen Victoria Gardens

St Paul's Cathedral

the Yarra River Cruise

opposite Federation Square

The Crowne Casino

Nastasha with the Crown

along the Yarra River side