Wednesday, October 7, 2009

A compass and a donkey

I am extremely fascinated by a compass because no matter where you may turn it ; no matter how you try to trick it; whether you are in the dark or in a storm; in fact under any and every circumstance , it will still point back to the same direction every time.. it bounces right back and points to the same direction ..

Is Jesus my Compass?? That no matter what life may throw at me, I will bounce right back and look to Him.. no matter how distracted or distorted or disorientated things may seem to be , I will still choose to face Him and trust Him through it all.. is He also the Anchor of my soul..?

Isa50:7 ...for the Lord help me, therefore I will not be disgraced; Therefore I have set my face like a flint and I know that I will not be ashamed...
2Cor4:8-9 .... we are hard pressed on every side, yet not crushed, we are perplexed, but not in despair, persecuted, but not forsaken, struck down but not destroyed..

A story was told that a farmer had an old donkey but it fell into a deep hole.. he tried all means and ways but was not able to get it out.. the farmer finally gave up and decided to just bury it.. so he began using his spade to shove dirt into the hole, trying to bury it.. well, the donkey didn’t like the dirt one bit you see ! ... so it shrugged off the dirt and stepped on it, the farmer shoved more dirt and the donkey shook it off its back and stepped on it again - he threw in the dirt, it shook it off and after some time, guess what?.. the donkey is standing on ground level, able to walk out safe and sound...

Hmm, isn’t this a great lesson we can learn and also apply daily?? that we should shrug off and shake off all the dirt that is thrown on us and step on it.. we will be standing tall on sure foundation in Christ, trampling over the enemy...

Well we can’t really stop the birds from flying over us but we certainly can stop them from building nests on our heads.. something to really ponder upon...

To have spiritual tenacity.. to have the iron in our soul.. to have the blessed assurance of the Presence and the Hands of God upon us to walk and see us through daily because He loves us and He that has called me by my name is Faithful and Just -knowing that God is Good all the time and all the time God is Good!

It is not about how we started the race but about how we are to end the Race....

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