Friday, September 18, 2009

Not Exempted ....

Why God Permits Pain
(by Rubel Shelly)

God allows suffering, but He is not the one who causes it and sends it into our lives. We experience pain because we live in physical bodies in a contingent world. We suffer emotional pain because we are sensitive to misfortune, loss, and injustice. And the most horrible wounds that come to our spirits are traceable to our own wrong choices-- rebelling against God and doing horrible things to one another.

Faith is not a vaccine against these things.

Faith is a relationship with God that provides the daily presence, strength, and encouragement of the Living Christ for whatever comes your way. It doesn’t exempt you, but it does sustain you.

Instant peace and easy answers are not God's promise to you. His pledge is that you will never be unloved and alone.

Pray for pain/sufferings to be a bridge rather than a barrier for you. Never feel obliged to deny its reality or menace. But trust God to provide sufficient grace for each day. Give him the chance to turn Satan’s attempt to destroy your faith into a solid spiritual victory.

"My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness"
(2 Corinthians 12:9).

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