Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Enter Into Your Father's Embrace..

I am so grateful and praise God for His faithfulness and His grace ; that He does not judge me because Jesus has been judged on my behalf... that I am redeemed and now walk into the freedom to be who He has meant me to be...

1 Cor 2:9 - No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived, what God has installed for those who love Him...

The Lord has this to say...

#“You called me Master and Lord, but yet you do not obey Me, You called me Father, yet you do not come and enter into My embrace..”

“ For only in Me and in My Presence are you secured and protected ...for in the midst of the billow of the wind and storm, I AM your Refuge and Your Deliverer, I AM your Comfort and your Peace.. Come into My embrace and enter into My Rest...” #

If we would only take heed to His Voice, if we would only allow Abba Father to cover us under His Wings, if we would only CHOOSE to believe and not doubt Him...

If we would only stop asking the wrong questions like "why me??" which is an invalid question, a ' victim question' which turn us into 'invalids' but rather ask , "Lord , what and how can I learn from this? -He told us not to be shocked when we enter into trials but to know that in every trial we are transformed from glory unto glory... every trial is a 'promotion' and has a guaranteed result of victory if we would go through with it with Him holding our hands..He has got the answer and He has provided the way, if we would only cease struggling and stop shadow boxing- and allow Him to take the wheels and enter into His embrace... KNOWING that nothing and no one can separate us from His LOVE (Rom 8:35-39)... to have the Blessed Assurance that Jesus is mine!!

#Do not Fear, only believe.. be strong and of good courage, do not be afraid or dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.. (Josh 1:9)#

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

The flower that follows the sun does so even on cloudy days.
-- Robert Leighton

Nobody ever outgrows Scripture; the book widens and deepens with our years.

-- Charles H. Spurgeon

Character is what you are in the dark.

-- Dwight L. Moody

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

He awakens my ear to hear

A musical Dummie ( a Noob in music?)!!
I guess that’s me because I can’t read any music scores or the ‘taugeh’ they called notes... even though music touches my soul..
I was watching this programme about an acclaimed Conductor for the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra- Herbert Von Karajan. The Conductor for this world renowned and prestigious Orchestra said this, ”even with my eyes closed, I can distinguish every sound and every note that is produced by every piece of the instrument played by my 120 musicians...” Imagine, how well his ears are tuned to every single sound produced.. totally amazing!

So what is that for me?? Faith comes from hearing and hearing the word of God (Rom 10:17). It didn’t say “having heard” but it says HEARING- present continuous
Does Jesus still speak today? Are we able to distinguish His voice as the lamb will know the Shepherd’s voice?.. Am I able to discern His voice? Do I have the right Frequency and am I on the right channel? Am I counted in His Orchestra?
Jn1:1 The Word became life and the Word is Life... are we tuned in to hear what He has to say? or are we tone deaf?

In Jesus’ time, He went about healing the sick and feeding the thousands. There was a multitude that had followed Jesus and all were amazed having heard His sermon on the Mount and wondered how this son of a carpenter had such wisdom and authority until one day,Jesus said to eat of His flesh and drink of His blood ...all but 12 left because they were offended by what they heard (the Jews do not drink blood!! Well, we have the hind-sight now but imagine if you were there and Jesus asked you to eat His flesh and drink His blood)..Jesus then asked His disciples, “are you leaving also?” and Peter answered “where would we go because when YOU speak, Your word is life to my spirit...”

Sometimes we may not yet fully understand nor able to explain what His Word means but we know that there is something that He has deposited into our spirit.. even though we can’t defend or explain it in a public discourse- we know that the Word He spoke brings LIFE... liken to a seed that had fallen on good soil, in due time we will see and taste of the fruit... those who has ears ,let them hear...

Jesus only does what His Father asks Him to do- there is this in-built antenna in Him who has an unhindered 'reception', ever-tuned to His Father's voice.

Is my antenna up to hear from Him too? Am I fine-tuned to discern and recognise the voice of my Beloved and Lord? and then am I 'an amplifier' who magnifies the sound of the good news of Jesus Christ in HIStory? Am I a part of His great Orchestra who hears His heart-beat and become be a Trail Blazer for Him?

Isa 50:4-5
...The Lord has given me, the tongue of the learned. That I should know how to speak a Word in season to him who is weary,He awakens me morning by morning, He awakens my ear to hear as the learned
The Lord has opened my ear and I was not rebellious, nor did I turn away...

A compass and a donkey

I am extremely fascinated by a compass because no matter where you may turn it ; no matter how you try to trick it; whether you are in the dark or in a storm; in fact under any and every circumstance , it will still point back to the same direction every time.. it bounces right back and points to the same direction ..

Is Jesus my Compass?? That no matter what life may throw at me, I will bounce right back and look to Him.. no matter how distracted or distorted or disorientated things may seem to be , I will still choose to face Him and trust Him through it all.. is He also the Anchor of my soul..?

Isa50:7 ...for the Lord help me, therefore I will not be disgraced; Therefore I have set my face like a flint and I know that I will not be ashamed...
2Cor4:8-9 .... we are hard pressed on every side, yet not crushed, we are perplexed, but not in despair, persecuted, but not forsaken, struck down but not destroyed..

A story was told that a farmer had an old donkey but it fell into a deep hole.. he tried all means and ways but was not able to get it out.. the farmer finally gave up and decided to just bury it.. so he began using his spade to shove dirt into the hole, trying to bury it.. well, the donkey didn’t like the dirt one bit you see ! ... so it shrugged off the dirt and stepped on it, the farmer shoved more dirt and the donkey shook it off its back and stepped on it again - he threw in the dirt, it shook it off and after some time, guess what?.. the donkey is standing on ground level, able to walk out safe and sound...

Hmm, isn’t this a great lesson we can learn and also apply daily?? that we should shrug off and shake off all the dirt that is thrown on us and step on it.. we will be standing tall on sure foundation in Christ, trampling over the enemy...

Well we can’t really stop the birds from flying over us but we certainly can stop them from building nests on our heads.. something to really ponder upon...

To have spiritual tenacity.. to have the iron in our soul.. to have the blessed assurance of the Presence and the Hands of God upon us to walk and see us through daily because He loves us and He that has called me by my name is Faithful and Just -knowing that God is Good all the time and all the time God is Good!

It is not about how we started the race but about how we are to end the Race....