Tuesday, May 19, 2009


There was something that caught my eyes this morning when I was walking along the beach.. it really looked strange because those couldn’t have been surfer dudes swimming so closely together and why did they have fins..!! I strained my eyes and lo and behold!! I saw a school of dolphins- about eight or more of them swimming in the vast ocean- so free, so unhindered... there I stood glued looking at these beautiful creatures swimming and bouncing along the waves...I really couldn’t believe my eyes and I was looking around for any Ozzies to pass by to confirm my sighting...
They were just there –small and dark grey , I mean I’ve seen and touched a real dolphin called ‘Flipper’ at the Universal Studio but these were wild free dolphins-wow!! I tried to follow them as they swam along and finally I saw an Ozzie at last and I asked , “ ...are those dolphins? They are not whales, are they?? She told me that they were indeed dolphins because they were too small to be whales..” ...felt like a “duh” but who cared...I was so happy to be spending almost an hour watching them swimming and I was also enthralled by ‘the dolphin show’ where six of them rode on a single wave- spectacular....!! Dolphins in the wild , in the sea , in Newcastle beach... beautiful!!!
I was in a train back from Bowral/Sydney and as the train passed a golf course, I saw the most cute looking golf bag standing in the middle of the fairway- two of them actually, until I saw a head move- guess what? Those ‘golf bags’ were two wild kangaroos standing there watching some jokers play golf far away- I seriously dont’t think the ‘joeys’ were the golfers’ pets... so there goes, I got to see wild kangaroos without even going to the zoo!!!
At the wharf by the harbour one evening, again I stopped my track and fixed my eyes on a single big white/grey pelican with a huge pink beak catching its dinner- it took in so much water with one gulp until it’s whole beak was puffed but then it slowly released and let off all access water to flow out later... I also got to see 5 pelicans by the rock near the beach sun tanning – these are wild life leh!! :o) (btw why were they not migrating in a big group??... ^o^....)
So maybe one day I will have a penguin, a wombat and yes, a koala walk up to me too.... :o) :o)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hahaha...so nice to see so many of these rare animals in the open. This reminds me of my visit to Taman Negara many years back...one of the animal I wanted to see was elephant but of course was dissappointed. The best place to see elephant is in the street of Bangkok!! I found a few there...even touched them!!