Sunday, May 24, 2009

It's a Whale!!

Whee!! and Wow and Yippee!! Guess what i saw today... a sprouting flipping whale... God is really very Good to me!!! I have prayed to see a whale and was pleasantly surprised when i actually saw one -( oh, me woman of little faith... ;o( )

How typical that I would pray and then thought it is probably too small for God to be bothered??? it brought me back to some truths..

a) everything that concerns me concerns my Father.. big and small :o)

b) He delights to always give me the better portion but this is with the conditional knowledge that I would need to be at peace and fully/totally trust Him bec He knows how and when and what I need... He knows the end even before He starts on the project in me...

c) His mercies are new every morning and His faithfulness endures forever..

How blessed we are to be called the sons of God... so Rejoice and be Glad in Him..

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Autumn In My Heart

Autumn In my Heart

Canberra-House of Senate

Wollongong Beach

Jennifer's House- Pastor Koon Seng, Sau Lan, Felicity, Jennifer, Keiren and me

Bowral Church


There was something that caught my eyes this morning when I was walking along the beach.. it really looked strange because those couldn’t have been surfer dudes swimming so closely together and why did they have fins..!! I strained my eyes and lo and behold!! I saw a school of dolphins- about eight or more of them swimming in the vast ocean- so free, so unhindered... there I stood glued looking at these beautiful creatures swimming and bouncing along the waves...I really couldn’t believe my eyes and I was looking around for any Ozzies to pass by to confirm my sighting...
They were just there –small and dark grey , I mean I’ve seen and touched a real dolphin called ‘Flipper’ at the Universal Studio but these were wild free dolphins-wow!! I tried to follow them as they swam along and finally I saw an Ozzie at last and I asked , “ ...are those dolphins? They are not whales, are they?? She told me that they were indeed dolphins because they were too small to be whales..” ...felt like a “duh” but who cared...I was so happy to be spending almost an hour watching them swimming and I was also enthralled by ‘the dolphin show’ where six of them rode on a single wave- spectacular....!! Dolphins in the wild , in the sea , in Newcastle beach... beautiful!!!
I was in a train back from Bowral/Sydney and as the train passed a golf course, I saw the most cute looking golf bag standing in the middle of the fairway- two of them actually, until I saw a head move- guess what? Those ‘golf bags’ were two wild kangaroos standing there watching some jokers play golf far away- I seriously dont’t think the ‘joeys’ were the golfers’ pets... so there goes, I got to see wild kangaroos without even going to the zoo!!!
At the wharf by the harbour one evening, again I stopped my track and fixed my eyes on a single big white/grey pelican with a huge pink beak catching its dinner- it took in so much water with one gulp until it’s whole beak was puffed but then it slowly released and let off all access water to flow out later... I also got to see 5 pelicans by the rock near the beach sun tanning – these are wild life leh!! :o) (btw why were they not migrating in a big group??... ^o^....)
So maybe one day I will have a penguin, a wombat and yes, a koala walk up to me too.... :o) :o)

Pixs Updates...

The Blue Mountains- the Three Sisters cannot be seen because of thick fog

Sydney Opera House- spectacular

Knowledge of the Great I AM

My people perish because of lack of knowledge... (Hos 4:6)

While I was interceding , I felt such a sharp pain in my heart and such grief in my Father’s heart ....and I began to see His children being assaulted and feasted upon by the enemy... they were like ‘sitting ducks’- just staying there and being attacked and assaulted over and over again and it ‘hurts’ my Father’s heart and I asked ‘why Lord! why don’t they run, why don’t they move...why are they like sitting ducks?..

I heard Him said My children perish for the lack of knowledge... the knowledge of WHO I AM!! They don’t know Me in My Majesty, they don’t know My Power and My Might... they don’t even know how much I love them!!! That breaks His heart the most... His children don’t know how much the Father loves them...

The Lord asked His people to take off the old wine skin and put on the new wineskin because He wanted to pour out new wine.. He wants us to taste and know that the Lord is good .. He has installed for us new wine but our old container cannot store the new thing He is doing.. we must remove the old container..we must take it off- let him who has ears hear this... we can’t do things the old way- the comfortable way, the acceptable way... we must do things His way- the directive and the format must come from Him... Perfect love casts out all fears.. 1 John 4:18- even fears of the unknown... understand and begin to embrace His love- God’s love is Perfect.. be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that and acceptable and perfect will of God Rom12:2

Ask for the hunger, ask for the thirst and ask the fervour to pursue Him and to be one with Him.. He said those who draw near to Him, He will draw near to you James 4:8 when we seek Him with all our heart, we will find Him Jer 29:13.. that the Spirit of the Lord is upon us Isa61.. that those who come with a broken heart and a contrite spirit , He will never despise Ps51:17... come ,come, come back to the Father’s heart...

We are to draw strength and we are to draw life from the Source- why are we at arm’s length- begin to plunge in- into the River of Life and allow the water to wash off all the dirt, clean out all the stains and refresh you inside out... allow the River of Life to flow out from within you.. this is the time and this is the hour.. Come to the Father, all who are weary, all who are downcast and He will give you rest.. He will restore and He will empower... Our Father takes care of His own... be His !!!