Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Many are my cares, o Lord!

Oh Lord, O Lord !!
How I need Your strength,
How I need Your comfort,
For many are the cares and
the concerns of my heart,
it is over- bearing ......

But You said unto me
" cast ALL your cares and concern upon Me...
all that concerns you , concerns ME, My child..
enter into My rest and drink of Me
where the River of Life flows...
drink of Me and out of you will flow the living water..."

Lord , I pray, put iron into my soul,
Lord, I pray , that I may STAND always...
with my hands lifted up and my mouth fill with praise

You alone do I place my trust, my Rock
You alone do I lift up on high
Come what may, with You I will tread this path
Come what may, with You I shall abide

My soul finds deep comfort in Your presence
In You I find refuge and peace...
Lord , my Lord how I yearn for You...!!

with the cyclone that hit Myanmar, the unrest in the middle east and now the earthquake in Chengdu, let us take our position on our knees and intercede ....let us also lift up our nation in unceasing prayers....

1 comment:

MY Chan said...

wah... new psalmist, i see. :)
yes, its true la... from beginning to end, it is only God alone.

Bless you!