Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Biblical Orientated Talks!!
We are caught often times in debating or defending; getting caught up in discussions that hold such little significance upon reflection- you could even see the veins appearing along necks at times .... yet at the end of the day, what was the point ? Does whatever being 'battled out through the war of words' tear down any enemy strongholds and build up and edify the other? -who is the enemy by the way- my opponent? is it the brother or the sister currently engaged in the war of words? again, what and who are we up against.... gee! such confusions - being engaged in a battle and not actually knowing who our actual enemy is!! and here we are lashing out and skillfully manipulating all our artillery , m16 and even bazookas- shooting and tearing a fellow soldier down- friendly fire!?- I think not, but the enemy has camouflaged well behind prides and egos to WIN or maybe just to defend.... but along the way 'wounding, stabbing and stumbling' another- the Lord said that we should always 'lift up the weaker ones, considering others higher than one at all times.... let us be prepared in and out of season with His Word that brings LIFE .... He also often reminds me that He does not need me to defend Him... it's ok - don't defend and don't be led into 'fruitless' discussions.... I don't need to take offense on behalf of God- in fact I should learn to take no offense at all...
To cite an example, often we become so oblivious to the rest but engrossed in the topic because it was 'exciting and enlightening' that we forgot that there may be 'babes' in our midst and our topic of discussion may actually cause 'confusion and fear' to them- guilty of non discerning ?? - perhaps there is always the 'right place, right time and right person' but I think if we narrow down what we want to 'talk about in public', we can somehow diminish or lessen this error- opportunities are often times created and held by us- whether we want to share on words that speak and promote 'life' or words that are just passing wind that bears no effect liken to a breeze brushes pass our hair... feeding the spirit more and the flesh less - choosing the "truth that cuts like a double edged sword (Heb 4:12) always as opposed to talks that my itching ears want to hear like the cloud that carries no water (Jude 12)
In fact many a time, when 'biblical orientated topics' (for my simple understanding this will be topics that are Christianity linked or sounds Christian- know what I mean?) are brought up, it is just so easy to be drawn straight into them and in the midst of all the hours spent not to mention the saliva wasted- we ended up not 'growing at all in the Lord' except that our ego or souls are stroked but our spirit man has not been fed or benefited at all-in fact many times, our 'fellow-friends' are left stumbled or wounded- indeed all these are vanity and emptiness-
O Lord, that I may learn to refrain and be constrained because of your Love -to always build up, reconcile and restore.... indeed it is already so difficult for the saints to meet together often in one accord, so each and every time we gather, let us use the time faithfully to plow , to spread the seed, to water, to prune and to bear fruit together.... :o)
It is my desire that Your Word that does the Work in each one comes forth from my mouth at all times- is this a 'holy Jo far-out religious desire???, oh that You touch my lips with the coal of fire.... (Isa 6:5-6) but Lord cleanse me that I may be pure, purge me with hyssop that I may be clean (Ps 51:7) - that the desire of my heart will be Your heart desire....
the transformation of the Lord begins with the heart and a renewed mind- a heart felt cry for the Lord to take us deeper and higher- to let go of our past experience and embrace a new relationship with Him- if we draw near to Him, He will draw near to us ; a broken heart and a contrite spirit, He never despise(Ps 51:17).....
Lord according to your Word, do a Work in me.... create in me a clean heart o God and renew a right spirit within me....(ps51:10)
Sunday, May 18, 2008
FRESH FIRE !!- back to the Cross
Rev 2:5- to the church of Ephesus, Jesus warns, "you have fallen, you have left your first love and unless you return to the first works , I will remove the lamp stand (signifies the removal of the Light from us). We are all to HEAR , to SEE and then to SPEAK !
> If your step outside of the will of God, He has no obligation to protect you...
> It is about the working of the Lord INTO you, not the working out from you- BURN FOR JESUS! DON'T BURN FOR MINISTRIES!... it is not about the works of your hand but rather the works of the Holy Spirit in and subsequently through you... the workings into you..
> Let the Holy Spirit work into you. Come out of your hurt - cut off all soul-ties to unforgiveness , bitterness, griefs etc- ask God to put iron into our soul so that we may be like Joseph- come out victorious in every trial and STAND till the very end. There are many experiences that we cannot PRAY AWAY. They are there to serve as tests to the very core of the foundation in which we build our house on... all it takes is a 'tsunami' to sweep away everything- so on what is your foundation laid upon- sinking sand or solid Rock!! Be forewarned-The storm will surely come !!
> We are to speak and to preach the WORD that performs the WORK- not just biblically orientated messages
> Hand your life over to Him and He will work the CROSS in you- do not embrace the "cross-less Jesus" theory- saying give me give me but rather ask Him to make me,, work me, build me!!- The Cross represented Death- sacrifice! - If Jesus did not die but saves Himself, then how can He save you? and If you do not die, then how can you save others??....There is no 'resurrection' if there's no death....
> On the Altar, what is your sacrifice to Your Master? There is a cost to pay for each sacrifice you make...King David offered a sacrifice unto the Lord in every 6 steps taken when the Ark of the Covenant was returned....so what is our sacrifice unto God today....??
>Look at the Apostle Paul- from Saul to Paul- from a murderer to a minister- The Holy Spirit worked into him to turn him into a minister of God. Paul is Satan's greatest nightmare - why?? because he embraced the Cross- the Cross that represented death to self. Self abandonment and sufferings- Paul is not afraid of either. Satan has no strategy left against him...'Self' can only be renounced and crucified because it cannot be cast out...
> Will you be the contender and the defender of the faith ?? Come to God only through prayers. Spend TIME in His Presence for Him to deposit into you - if not you may be drawing on an empty and blank account when the time comes.... can anyone afford that risk?
Personal conclusion-
God wants to pour forth and manifest His power through His Holy Spirit and He is looking for ready vessels to carry this great Anointing. The Lord is a consuming Fire- would you allow Him to come and consume and burn away all the chaffs - as gold is purified through intense fire to bring forth the glow and as the burning bush is not consumed or charred, let the Consuming fire come upon us....
My sheep hears My voice!
Obedience is better than sacrifice!!
Render your heart not your garment!!
Thursday, May 15, 2008
You say: 'It's impossible' | God says: All things are possible | (Luke 18:27) |
You say: 'I'm too tired' | God says: I will give you rest | (Matthew 11:28-30) |
You say: 'Nobody really loves me' | God says: I love you | (John 3:16 & John 3:34 ) |
You say: 'I can't go on' | God says: My grace is sufficient | (II Corinthians 12:9 & Psalm 91:15) |
You say: 'I can't figure things out' | God says: I will direct your steps | (Proverbs 3:5-6) |
You say: 'I can't do it' | God says: You can do all things | (Philippians 4:13) |
You say: 'I'm not able' | God says: I am able | (II Corinthians 9:8) |
You say: 'It's not worth it' | God says: It will be worth it | (Roman 8:28 ) |
You say: 'I can't forgive myself' | God says: I Forgive you | (I John 1:9 & Romans 8:1) |
You say: 'I can't manage' | God says: I will supply all your needs | (Philippians 4:19) |
You say: 'I'm afraid' | God says: I have not given you a spirit of fear | (II Timothy 1:7) |
You say: 'I'm always worried and frustrated' | God says: Cast all your cares on ME | (I Peter 5:7) |
You say: 'I'm not smart enough' | God says: I give you wisdom | (I Corinthians 1:30) |
You say: 'I feel all alone' | God says: I will never leave you or forsake you | (Hebrews 13:5) |
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Many are my cares, o Lord!
How I need Your strength,
How I need Your comfort,
For many are the cares and
the concerns of my heart,
it is over- bearing ......
But You said unto me
" cast ALL your cares and concern upon Me...
all that concerns you , concerns ME, My child..
enter into My rest and drink of Me
where the River of Life flows...
drink of Me and out of you will flow the living water..."
Lord , I pray, put iron into my soul,
Lord, I pray , that I may STAND always...
with my hands lifted up and my mouth fill with praise
You alone do I place my trust, my Rock
You alone do I lift up on high
Come what may, with You I will tread this path
Come what may, with You I shall abide
My soul finds deep comfort in Your presence
In You I find refuge and peace...
Lord , my Lord how I yearn for You...!!
with the cyclone that hit Myanmar, the unrest in the middle east and now the earthquake in Chengdu, let us take our position on our knees and intercede ....let us also lift up our nation in unceasing prayers....