Friday, August 8, 2008

One World, One Dream

Watching the Olympics Opening in cell, as it showed off the display of the splendour of the history of China- I felt proud of this heritage, being a Chinese- look at China and it's rich history and culture depicted and broad casted to over 4 billion viewers... as the scroll unfurled and the images and the scene changes before our eyes, I watched and took in every sight of display and capture the 2000 years of Chinese history - man and technology in unison and I remembered the commentator saying - .."after all the many comments and critics before the Opening, we now witness the biggest and most spectacular display of the rich heritage of China.." and the newspaper's headline the next day reads - " Great Wall of Fire"- the Opening night display lasted slightly more than 4 hours and cost over US100million... the works and efforts of many men working in unison , cash and technology, and the world witnessed a great display...
What impressed me is the near perfect choreography of all the movements and all the execution and display to the finest detail- how so many people were mobilised at the same time- yet there was such unity and effort put in to 'make the country proud'.....

Upon reflection, each of us also has a 2000 years history to tell the world- the sheer Magnificence and Greatness of God is to be broad casted - share abroad -to all the world- the One World, One Dream of our lives in Christ deserves more than all the effort put in at the Opening night- we have a more spectacular story to tell....
we are to unfurl, display and broad cast the Glory of the Creator of the Universe who has called us to bring the message of 'reconciliation of man back to God'.... we have a higher calling that does not end in one display but to be continuously depicted in our lives.... we are to be the "vessels of Fire", we are to beat the drums in unison, with all our hearts, our minds, our souls and all our strength to TELL HISTORY- His Story.... Jesus is the way, the truth and the Life.. we have a higher calling from above- Our heavenly Father deserves and commands all praise and worship high above all that we could ever offer - we are to GLORIFY HIM...

Looking at the life of Paul- he was 'displayed' at a trial and he told his story.... he told of his One World and One Dream too and he summarised his task and purpose for his life as....
(Acts 26:16-18 ,23 ,29)
# "I was Given the Task to Rescue the World" (26:16-18)
# " I believe and Declare that Jesus Christ is the One and Only Risen Saviour of the World" (26:23)
# " I Want Everyone To Believe What I Believe" (26:29)

In Rev 12:11 says .... and the saints overcome him (the evil one) by the Blood of the Lamb and the Word of their testimony....

so being a child of the Living God, what is my dream about the world??? Is my dream in line with God's heart beat for the world??? What is the task that I am to accomplish???

Luke 8:39 ... return to your own house and TELL what great things God as done for you.... and he went his way and proclaimed throughout the whole city what great things Jesus has done for him....

1 Peter 3:15 ...but sanctify the Lord God in your hearts and always be ready to give a defense to anyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you, with meekness and fear...

Has God been faithful to me? Is He not the greatest thing that has ever happened in my life? Have I not tasted the goodness and the sweet honey in the Rock? I carry the greatest history in me- His Story- the story of Jesus Christ in me ....
Lord give me boldness and let me declare and proclaim Your Son Jesus to the world - all that I say and every work that I do, I will give of my best back to Him because We are the Reason that You Gave Your Life...

and our prayer Lord is " Father make us one, Father make us one- that the world may know , Thou has sent Your Son, Father Make us One.....

Let us shine forth the light of the Torch of Life that has been ignited in us- be the light of the World....

Arise for this is the time and this is the hour for you to come forth and be the vessel to reach out to those whom He has given His life so that they may have life in Him... you are recruited in His great army.. play your part....

....when the brethren come and dwell in unity, we will command His blessings.....-His blessings to preach the gospel, to set the captives free, to make the blind to see....

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

A Christian Life is not a Funeral but A Feast

#You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies;
You anoint my head with oil, my cup runs over,
surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life;
and I dwell in the house of the Lord forever # ( Ps 23:5-6)

Often times, I hear this prayer , "God make me a 'better' person...." but upon reflection, I think it should be prayed , "Lord make me into a NEW Person!". Following Jesus means a new birth because He said .." unless you are born again..."- a new birth and a new way of life... also He said, that we are to shed off our 'old wineskin because the old wineskin cannot contain the new wine that is to be poured into it (Matt 9:16-17). We are to put off the old wineskin and put on the new wineskin so that the Lord can pour into us the new wine... are you eagerly anticipating and expecting this new wine..??

When we become Christians, we no more decide on our own thinking and our own feelings but our point of reference is now in the Bible... Jesus came not to 'patch' us but to TRANSFORM us into new lives in Christ.... this new life in Christ cannot be 'patched' on old tradition, old practices or religion etc. Jesus gives unto us a spiritual joy that becomes our strength, an inner peace that transcends all understanding and the very Presence of the Lord within us !!!... Hallelujah ! ..liken to having a feast with Him whenever we are found in His presence... what is it that has hindered us to 'feast' with the Lord as the table has already been prepared?? is it our time, is it our priority, is it our old thinking- what are we actually missing out here- time to ponder !!....

# when He saw the multitudes, He was moved with compassion for them,
because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep having no shepherd...#
(Matt 9:36)

What am I doing to the sheep that are lost- am I leading them back to the Way, the Truth and the Life.. ?' I involved or do I see them through the eyes of Jesus... is my heart moved with compassion ... do I pray when I see the burden ; am I also prepared to be the 'answer' that God will use me to reach out to them... someone reminded me that I am saved not just to do 'good works' but I am saved to be a 'servant of God!' ( I am called to do as Jesus does... I am called to be actively involved). When God calls, He calls us to serve Him - He said, "Go ye into the world and preach...." There is no such thing as 'secret discipleship'- we are to be the light and the salt of the world.... It may be costly to answer His call but it's most REWARDING when we obey....

Freely you have received, freely give.... (Matt 10:8)

The requirement is our co operation and faith in obedience....

Let us catch Jesus' PASSION, DESIRE and DRIVE'- let us be ignited and set ablaze for HIM...
( so what is it that we are willing to surrender eg the old wineskin to answer His call? are we willing to be transformed and touched by Jesus deep within so that others can notice the difference... what kind of personal experience are we receiving from Him with regards to our walk with Him this week? and what kind of response others have with regards to our walk....? do we make a difference for Him to those who cross our path)

Let's join in the Feast!! ..... Rejoice!! ...

# behold I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine and he with Me... #
( Rev 3:20)

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Biblical Orientated Talks!!

........ May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in thy sight O Lord! (Ps 19:14)....... Out of the abundance of my heart, my mouth speaketh.....

We are caught often times in debating or defending; getting caught up in discussions that hold such little significance upon reflection- you could even see the veins appearing along necks at times .... yet at the end of the day, what was the point ? Does whatever being 'battled out through the war of words' tear down any enemy strongholds and build up and edify the other? -who is the enemy by the way- my opponent? is it the brother or the sister currently engaged in the war of words? again, what and who are we up against.... gee! such confusions - being engaged in a battle and not actually knowing who our actual enemy is!! and here we are lashing out and skillfully manipulating all our artillery , m16 and even bazookas- shooting and tearing a fellow soldier down- friendly fire!?- I think not, but the enemy has camouflaged well behind prides and egos to WIN or maybe just to defend.... but along the way 'wounding, stabbing and stumbling' another- the Lord said that we should always 'lift up the weaker ones, considering others higher than one at all times.... let us be prepared in and out of season with His Word that brings LIFE .... He also often reminds me that He does not need me to defend Him... it's ok - don't defend and don't be led into 'fruitless' discussions.... I don't need to take offense on behalf of God- in fact I should learn to take no offense at all...

To cite an example, often we become so oblivious to the rest but engrossed in the topic because it was 'exciting and enlightening' that we forgot that there may be 'babes' in our midst and our topic of discussion may actually cause 'confusion and fear' to them- guilty of non discerning ?? - perhaps there is always the 'right place, right time and right person' but I think if we narrow down what we want to 'talk about in public', we can somehow diminish or lessen this error- opportunities are often times created and held by us- whether we want to share on words that speak and promote 'life' or words that are just passing wind that bears no effect liken to a breeze brushes pass our hair... feeding the spirit more and the flesh less - choosing the "truth that cuts like a double edged sword (Heb 4:12) always as opposed to talks that my itching ears want to hear like the cloud that carries no water (Jude 12)

In fact many a time, when 'biblical orientated topics' (for my simple understanding this will be topics that are Christianity linked or sounds Christian- know what I mean?) are brought up, it is just so easy to be drawn straight into them and in the midst of all the hours spent not to mention the saliva wasted- we ended up not 'growing at all in the Lord' except that our ego or souls are stroked but our spirit man has not been fed or benefited at all-in fact many times, our 'fellow-friends' are left stumbled or wounded- indeed all these are vanity and emptiness-
O Lord, that I may learn to refrain and be constrained because of your Love -to always build up, reconcile and restore.... indeed it is already so difficult for the saints to meet together often in one accord, so each and every time we gather, let us use the time faithfully to plow , to spread the seed, to water, to prune and to bear fruit together.... :o)

It is my desire that Your Word that does the Work in each one comes forth from my mouth at all times- is this a 'holy Jo far-out religious desire???, oh that You touch my lips with the coal of fire.... (Isa 6:5-6) but Lord cleanse me that I may be pure, purge me with hyssop that I may be clean (Ps 51:7) - that the desire of my heart will be Your heart desire....
the transformation of the Lord begins with the heart and a renewed mind- a heart felt cry for the Lord to take us deeper and higher- to let go of our past experience and embrace a new relationship with Him- if we draw near to Him, He will draw near to us ; a broken heart and a contrite spirit, He never despise(Ps 51:17).....

Lord according to your Word, do a Work in me.... create in me a clean heart o God and renew a right spirit within me....(ps51:10)

Sunday, May 18, 2008

FRESH FIRE !!- back to the Cross

Praise the Lord for the Fresh Fire Conference whereby Ps Susan Tang has given us some very powerful back to the basic truth in her teachings and to coin her ," if you can't be faithful at this point of time in your life, what makes you think you could be faithful till the end....????" . I am truly reminded that it is not about how we have started off in the race but rather how we finish the Race...

Rev 2:5- to the church of Ephesus, Jesus warns, "you have fallen, you have left your first love and unless you return to the
first works , I will remove the lamp stand (signifies the removal of the Light from us). We are all to HEAR , to SEE and then to SPEAK !
> If your step outside of the will of God, He has no obligation to protect you...
> It is about the working of the Lord
INTO you, not the working out from you- BURN FOR JESUS! DON'T BURN FOR MINISTRIES!... it is not about the works of your hand but rather the works of the Holy Spirit in and subsequently through you... the workings into you..
> Let the Holy Spirit work into you. Come out of your
hurt - cut off all soul-ties to unforgiveness , bitterness, griefs etc- ask God to put iron into our soul so that we may be like Joseph- come out victorious in every trial and STAND till the very end. There are many experiences that we cannot PRAY AWAY. They are there to serve as tests to the very core of the foundation in which we build our house on... all it takes is a 'tsunami' to sweep away everything- so on what is your foundation laid upon- sinking sand or solid Rock!! Be forewarned-The storm will surely come !!
> We are to speak and to preach
the WORD that performs the WORK- not just biblically orientated messages
> Hand your life over to Him and He will work the CROSS in you- do not embrace the
"cross-less Jesus" theory- saying give me give me but rather ask Him to make me,, work me, build me!!- The Cross represented Death- sacrifice! - If Jesus did not die but saves Himself, then how can He save you? and If you do not die, then how can you save others??....There is no 'resurrection' if there's no death....
> On the Altar, what is your
sacrifice to Your Master? There is a cost to pay for each sacrifice you make...King David offered a sacrifice unto the Lord in every 6 steps taken when the Ark of the Covenant was what is our sacrifice unto God today....??
>Look at the Apostle Paul- from Saul to Paul- from a murderer to a minister- The Holy Spirit worked into him to turn him into a minister of God. Paul is Satan's greatest nightmare - why?? because he
embraced the Cross- the Cross that represented death to self. Self abandonment and sufferings- Paul is not afraid of either. Satan has no strategy left against him...'Self' can only be renounced and crucified because it cannot be cast out...
> Will you be the contender and the defender of the faith ?? Come to God only through prayers. Spend TIME in His Presence for Him to
deposit into you - if not you may be drawing on an empty and blank account when the time comes.... can anyone afford that risk?

Personal conclusion-
God wants to pour forth and manifest His power through His Holy Spirit and He is looking for ready vessels to carry this great Anointing. The Lord is a consuming Fire- would you allow Him to come and consume and burn away all the chaffs - as gold is purified
through intense fire to bring forth the glow and as the burning bush is not consumed or charred, let the Consuming fire come upon us....
My sheep hears My voice!
Obedience is better than sacrifice!!
Render your heart not your garment!!

Thursday, May 15, 2008




You say: 'It's impossible'

God says: All things are possible

(Luke 18:27)

You say: 'I'm too tired'

God says: I will give you rest

(Matthew 11:28-30)

You say: 'Nobody really loves me'

God says: I love you

(John 3:16 & John 3:34 )

You say: 'I can't go on'

God says: My grace is sufficient

(II Corinthians 12:9 & Psalm 91:15)

You say: 'I can't figure things out'

God says: I will direct your steps

(Proverbs 3:5-6)

You say: 'I can't do it'

God says: You can do all things

(Philippians 4:13)

You say: 'I'm not able'

God says: I am able

(II Corinthians 9:8)

You say: 'It's not worth it'

God says: It will be worth it

(Roman 8:28 )

You say: 'I can't forgive myself'

God says: I Forgive you

(I John 1:9 & Romans 8:1)

You say: 'I can't manage'

God says: I will supply all your needs

(Philippians 4:19)

You say: 'I'm afraid'

God says: I have not given you a spirit of fear

(II Timothy 1:7)

You say: 'I'm always worried and frustrated'

God says: Cast all your cares on ME

(I Peter 5:7)

You say: 'I'm not smart enough'

God says: I give you wisdom

(I Corinthians 1:30)

You say: 'I feel all alone'

God says: I will never leave you or forsake you

(Hebrews 13:5)

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Many are my cares, o Lord!

Oh Lord, O Lord !!
How I need Your strength,
How I need Your comfort,
For many are the cares and
the concerns of my heart,
it is over- bearing ......

But You said unto me
" cast ALL your cares and concern upon Me...
all that concerns you , concerns ME, My child..
enter into My rest and drink of Me
where the River of Life flows...
drink of Me and out of you will flow the living water..."

Lord , I pray, put iron into my soul,
Lord, I pray , that I may STAND always...
with my hands lifted up and my mouth fill with praise

You alone do I place my trust, my Rock
You alone do I lift up on high
Come what may, with You I will tread this path
Come what may, with You I shall abide

My soul finds deep comfort in Your presence
In You I find refuge and peace...
Lord , my Lord how I yearn for You...!!

with the cyclone that hit Myanmar, the unrest in the middle east and now the earthquake in Chengdu, let us take our position on our knees and intercede ....let us also lift up our nation in unceasing prayers....

Monday, April 14, 2008

Of Balance and Technique

The next time you are asked to squeeze into the back of a Wira with 3 other people just say thank you Lord ....
I will always treasure and remember how 5 adults squeezed behind + 2 sitting on one passenger chair in front along with the driver , traveled in a little Suzuki jeep on bumpy roads felt like... the art and technique of taking off one slipper and folding one leg while the other leg can just have enough space to stay on the ground enabled 5 full grown adults with long legs to pack into this jeep....wonderful...!!! We did manage to get to all our destinations and I am sure we were all very thankful we needn't walk under the sun. At one time (thank God for a very short journey), we had one additional old man sitting in the front seat while the other 2 climbed behind and hung on to some part of the jeep where the spare tire was, don't ask me how...!!! amazing balancing act ...!!!

Another thing I realised this morning is that nothing can beat the 'sweating session' as in the mission field-not even a 50mins walk at Bukit Kiara...

Sunday, April 13, 2008

I am Blessed!!

My first mission trip- wow!! wasn't sure if I was excited but I knew that prior to going there, I was supposed to prepare myself, messages to share- I became 'task orientated' and thought that I was carrying an important mission- to be the ambassador , to be this and to be that...
OK now that the trip is over and I am back- my view was that they have blessed me, that I have been given an opportunity to 'walk into another path of life'- a borrowed path for a short time-ie 8 days, which has enhanced and put more colour into my life journey...

Rather than the concerns over sanitary and lodging, I was actually overwhelmed by the way these people move around in the dark of the night with no light at all. We took a 6 hours journey to Irrawaddy Delta and reached at 3am- took the' cycca'- a type of public transport there where 2 passengers sit back to back while a peddler on a bicycle cycled us around. They cycle us around in pitch darkness with no light- I was utterly amazed that this activity can be carried out in such darkness...over the next few nights, I kinda of got used to walking in the dark ( with the help of a flash light shone ahead) after dinner while we were walking back to the rest house..

It was summer so most of the time I was 'bathing in my own sweat' and will fan myself ferociously with whatever 'satay fan' I can lay my hands on...but when I was praying for people, my sweat will drip down and most irritating was when it gets into my eyes- but I guess this adds to the 'flavour' of things...not to mention, when we wiped our faces, the tissue bore marks of dirt the colour of 'teh tarik' and our hair felt like 'twigs and wires' .... HA! HA! HA!

God was there all the way, the spiritual battle was real and the oppression in the air often times was thick indeed, but we saw people set free and touched by Him, we saw smiles and joy returning to faces after prayers, we saw bodies and spirits strengthened and restored because God loves them...clenched fists inflicted by stroke were loosed when before the fingers were unable to straightened, waves and waves of the power of the Holy Spirit flowing through their bodies which they have no prior experience caused them to inquire and ask for more, blinded eyes which could see nothing were opened to detect the flickering light from a candle, stiffened limps were restored and strengthened to walk, deep hurts buried in the hearts were released through tears of joy when the Lord touched them and healed the hurt....drooped shoulders and heads that hung low were lifted up when burdens and yokes were cast at His feet!!...
At the name of Jesus, every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord!!

The children are precious and in one place, we heard children 4-7 years of age reciting the "Lord's prayers" in English with thick Burmese accent-makes me wonder if we here in M'sia know how to pray this prayer....sigh...take a moment and just look at the smiles displayed on the faces of these kids- so untainted, so genuine- they glowed with joy to see their pix taken- no play-station, no computer, no MP3...

At the end of the day, going there to share, I guess I received more , I guess I am blessed more!! They have shared their smiles, their simplicity, their fervor, their humility, their genuineness by being themselves- no wall erected, no added artificial 'flavouring'- just being themselves!! Isn't that what life is all about??


What is the most spectacular and wonderful feeling one can have?? Well, to me, it is the feeling that you have done your part, have discharged and have executed what you needed to do....

...the heaviness in the heart was really unbearable... the feeling was so heavy and I know I just had to let it out- release the 'heart beat' in words of declaration and proclamation into the heavenlies, into the atmosphere... words came rushing and pouring out and the 'burden' was lifted immediately after all the words were released...

I believe we are used as His oracles to release and establish His will and purpose through our prayers and for me it is an honour to be the vessel to perform this task, to be the 'vessel of honour'... there's no doubt in my mind that He is the One who is able to establish and bring things into being- the One Mighty and Faithful !!! The Voice of God and His Words send forth , will not return unto Him void but will accomplish every purpose it is sent forth to establish...

It is a very humbling experience and it is also a moment where all doubts are removed and you focus and know that the God you are praying to is the great I AM...

This shot was taken after an intense prayer moment where a strong and powerful declaration of the greatness of God and the calling forth of His will over the area (which was very oppressed because of idol worship all around the church) was made... God showed up to affirm the prayer thru the appearance of orbs in this shot .. I believe the spiritual atmosphere of this place has indeed been changed for His Glory !! Hallelujah!!

All Glory belong to God and Him alone!!

the orbs are captured in this shot at a church which we visited in this myanmar mission trip where the local pastor has shown such a servant heart through his humility... so blessed to be there....the atmosphere and surrounding was really 'oppressive' , the people were much 'heavy-ladened' and struggle daily to even make end meet.. we who are so blessed should indeed start moving out of our comfort zone and be a blessing since we are blessed to bless others...

Sunday, March 30, 2008

The Word of His Power

The Word of His Power

Hebrews 11:3
Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear.”
John 1:1
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.”
Ephesians 1:17That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him:”
Isaiah 55:10-11For as the rain cometh down, and the snow from heaven, and returneth not thither, but watereth the earth, and maketh it bring forth and bud, that it may give seed to the sower, and bread to the eater: So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.

1) A Rhema Word is a Creative Word. So when God speaks and releases His promise out of you, just as sure as when He spoke and creation came out of his lips
2) A Rhema Word is also a Saving Word. Romans 10:8But what saith it? The word is nigh thee, even in thy mouth, and in thy heart: that is, the word of faith, which we preach;
Romans 10:13For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.”(when it came out of your mouth, spoken in faith, brought about your salvation.)
3) A Rhema Word is A Sustaining or Strengthening Word. Matthew 4:4 ( He fed His spirit by speaking and confessing the Word with His mouth.)
4) The Sword of the Spirit is the Word of God and it is a rhema word. Ephesians 6:17
5) A rhema word is a word of provision. Luke 5:4-5 (The Word of God first rests in you, then when you mix it with faith and speak it out of your mouth, it will never return void. It will do what God says it will do.)

. If you are going to get a Rhema Word you must read the Bible regularly. Joshua 1:8
. Learn to Rest in the Revelation. Rest in the Word that God gives you.Isaiah 28:11-12.
. Release The Word by Confession. Mark 11:22-24
. Mix Faith and Action with Your Word. Confess it and call it done
. Receive The Promise (James 1:17).

Jesus is the Word of Life.

Jesus is the Word made life.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Intercessory Prayer

Question: "What is intercessory prayer?"

Quite simply, intercessory prayer is the act of praying on behalf of others. The role of mediator in prayer was prevalent in the Old Testament (as in Abraham, Moses, David, Samuel, Hezekiah, Elijah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel and Daniel.) But Christ is pictured in the New Testament as the ultimate intercessor; and because of this all Christian prayer becomes intercession since it is offered to God through and by Christ. Jesus closed the gap between us and God when He died on the cross. He was the greatest mediator (intercessor) that ever lived. Because of this we can now intercede in prayer on behalf of other Christians, or for the lost, asking God to grant them repentance according to His will. "For there is one God and one Mediator between God and men, the Man Christ Jesus" (1 Timothy 2:5). "Who is he who condemns? It is Christ who died, and furthermore is also risen, who is even at the right hand of God, who also makes intercession for us" (Romans 8:34).

A wonderful model of intercessory prayer is found in Daniel 9 as he prayed for his people who had turned away from God. It has all the elements of true intercessory prayer. It is in response to the Word (v. 2); characterized by fervency (v. 3) and self-denial (v. 4); identified unselfishly with God’s people (v. 5); strengthened by confession (v. 5-15); dependent on God’s character (vv. 4,7,9,15); and has as its goal God’s glory (vv. 16-19). Like Daniel, Christians are to come to God on behalf others in a heartbroken and repentant posture, recognizing our own unworthiness and with a sense of self-denial. Daniel doesn’t come and say, "I have a right to demand this out of You, God, because I am one of your special, chosen intercessors." He comes and says, "I'm a sinner," and, in effect, he says, "I don't have a right to demand anything." True intercessory prayer seeks to not only know God’s will and see it fulfilled, but to see it fulfilled no matter whether it benefits us and no matter what it costs us. It seeks God’s glory, not our own.

Praying the Word of God (extracted from A Ministry of I Lift My Eyes)

Prophetic Intercession is God speaking to his people, directing them to the most effective route to pray.
. God directs and speaks to us -Ps25:9, Jn 16:13, Rom8:26
.The Word of God stimulates prayers eg pray Ps 91 , Eph 6:10-18
.Pray Words of Blessings Eph 1:18-19
.Speak and Pray the Word out loud
.Pray for a Rhema Word
.Be specific
.Pray for insights espc for physical Healings etc
.Pray for God's strategy

note: Effective spiritual warfare can be accomplished with repentance and worship. Repentance of our own sin and on behalf of others. It is also accomplished through worship. the demonic can not abide in worship to the King. If you feel harrassed as you pray, enter into a time of worship.

Friday, March 28, 2008

Bitter Root Judgment


The law applies not only to our conscious actions, known and performed outwardly, but also to what is lodged in our heart, repressed, unknown and unexpressed. Once formed, judgments must bring results. Bitter roots, not brought to the cross, must defile. Bitter roots are perhaps the most powerful negative forces in our lives, bringing destruction not only to us but also to those around us.
See to it that no root of bitterness springing up causes trouble, and by it many be defiled Hebrews 12:15
This lesson reveals the depth and power of bitter root judgments-the driving force behind the recurring patterns of trouble and/or destruction in our lives. The power of bitter roots comes from the unchangeable laws of God, which cause us to reap in kind what we have sown. Bitter root judgments are far more powerful than bitter root expectancies. Judgments operate by God's Laws; whereas repeated incidents form patterns of expectancy which operate only on the psychological level.But judgments and expectancies both rob us of the abundant life Jesus came to give us.
The root of a tree gives life
In a tree or plant, a root is an underground, hidden structure, which is a conduit for nourishment. For us "roots" are habitual ways we drink nurture from God, others, nature and ourselves. Our roots also lie beneath the surface, usually hidden to the adult mind. If we have bitter roots, we drink harm to our selves.

What are bitter roots, or bitter root judgments?
o They are our sinful reactions to circumstances that occur in our lives.
o They are condemning judgments of other people.
o They are the inability or refusal to forgive someone.
o They are the operations of the unchangeable Laws of God, which cause us to reap in kind what we have sown.

Bitter roots are not:
o Hurtful or terrible things that happen to us, nor are they the sins of those who have wronged us. They are our sinful responses to those things that have happened to us, planted deeply within us due to our refusal or inability to forgive.
Bitter roots infect the mind with expectancies.
Bitter root expectancy is a psychological practice in our lives. It is a habit of a self-fulfilling prophecy, by which we "push" people to fulfill our picture of the way things will go.
o "Women will always be controlling."
o "Men can't be depended upon."
o "No one ever listens to me."
The following is an example of bitter root expectancy
A man is brought up by a critical mother, he feeling wounded and rejected, learns to protect his heart by withdrawing from her. His experiences with mother form a picture of "women." When he marries, he fears pain and of vulnerability and consciously (or unconsciously) projects his expectations onto his wife, holding her at a distance. She is lonely and appeals to him to share with her. He interprets this as criticism (whether it is or not), and pulls farther away. He criticizes her attempts to break through the walls of his heart.
Judgments and expectancies:
The judgment is the seed planted in childhood and it may be forgotten by the one whom has made the judgment. It is after the child has grown, that the bitter root expectation comes into play. The example of the critical mother and the boy who judged her, there by judging all women that they will all be critical and that the boy will have to protect his heart. He will reap through his wife and other women,what he experienced with his mother.

The origin of bitter root judgments and bitter root expectations normally start with parents:They can also start with other persons in our youth such as grandparents and teachers. The judgments are the seeds sown and the bitter root expectation is the vehicle that brings the judgments to fruition. Sown in childhood and brought to fruition in our relationships with spouse, authority, society, and even with Father God. We ultimately get what we expect from all of the above. If they are not eager to play, we find a way to push enough buttons to get them to give us what we expect.

Who is responsible and accountable?
WE ARE! God holds us accountable for our sinful reactions to what has taken place in our life. We are guilty but not condemned. Guilt is the friend that brings us to the cross, and thus to healing and transformation.
Prayer Deliverance Ministers must be aware:
That bitter root judgments and expectations are so common that they must be checked for as routinely as a doctor checks blood pressure and temperature.
Luke 6:43; Matthew 7:20
Treatment of "Bitter Roots"
We must first recognize those roots and how they affected our lives and the lives of those around us.
We have to choose to repent, by determining to stop patterns by hauling judgments and expectations to the cross in prayer.
The prayers must be specific, focused, Spirit-led, prayers of forgiveness.
A person must speak forgiveness at the age of the judgment. Praying out loud his/her forgiveness for mom or dad for judging, resentment, hating. Forgive me for perpetuating those attitudes in my present relationships. Prayer Deliverance Ministers pronounce forgiveness by the Word of God. John 20: 23
Prayers of death Luke 9: 23, 24
Dying to self on the cross. Less of me Lord and all of you, by demolishing the structures of judgment and bitter root expectations, habits, attitudes and reflexes by taking them to the cross of Christ -Galatians 2:20, 5:24
"Lord bring those practices to death by the power of your cross

Prayers of resurrection:
"Lord restore... (Be as specific as you can) "Lord reverse the old pattern and cause its glorious opposite to happen; restore to new life." This imparts a new expectancy.
The healing continues as we continue to pray and there is an ongoing discipline to bring to death habitual practices of thoughts, feelings and actions, and to bring to life the nature of Christ in him/her.

Hosea 8:7a - "They sow the wind, and they reap the whirlwind."
Matthew 3:10 , Matthew 5:17 , Matthew 7:16-20 , Matthew 15:13 , Luke 6:43-45
Hebrews 4:12,
James 1:15 , James 5:16 , Galatians 2:20 , Galatians 5:24 , Ephesians 5:21 , Philippians 3:10-15 , Hebrews 12:15
Galatians 6:7-8 (NAS) - Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows this he will also reap. For the one who sows to his own flesh shall from the flesh reap corruption, but the one who sows to the spirit shall from the Spirit reap eternal life

Sowing and Reaping Young Joe~
Mankind's sinning is like a man who throws a ball against a wall. At some point it will return to him: 'do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows this he will also reap. Gal. 6:7 The longer our sin goes unrepented, the larger it grows: Heb.8:7. By the time our sin returns to be reaped it has grown to overwhelming proportions:
"Then desire when it has conceived gives birth to sin; and sin when it is full-grown brings forth death. James 1:15

Same Joe 25 years later~
God, unwilling that any should perish, sent Jesus to identify with us in all our sinfulness. Jesus took our sin upon Himself and died with it for us. Our sin was cancelled and the law of sowing and reaping fulfilled in Him:Mat 5:17
Repentant Joe~
We are called to take hold of the life that Jesus won for us by His death and resurrection Phil 3:10-15 and to walk in a daily discipline described for us in Rom6:6-14

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Father's Heart VII -Spirit of Sonship

The genealogy of a person defines his identity and existence. It reflects the relationship and the tying in of the father with his son.
Jesus is called a prophet, a Messiah, a teacher and these titles define His functions. But Jesus is revealed as the Son of God in Matt 16:13- who He is! His identity is that He is the Son of God!
The Father revealed the Son, the Father wants to give a Bride to the Son and the Son wants to give many sons of glory to the Father. The Son wants to give us as gifts to the Father- the love gifts of God to God.( Matt 3:16 ,John 5:19, Matt 17:15) It's all about Sonship!

Luke 2:41-51
In the Jewish custom a boy becomes a man at the age of 12 and is transferred from the care of a mother to his father. Jesus knows His identity and stayed back at His Father's house when he was 12 but when Joseph and Mary came back for Him, He followed them and showed the heart of a son. For the next 18 years, Jesus lived as a son of a carpenter. His identity was secured in the Father, so He could live what is asked of Him (Jn2:1-11) In Cana, Jesus obeyed and submitted to Mary even it was not His time. (Jn19:25) When He was hanging on the Cross, He saw Mary (Jn19:26), in the midst of His own suffering and agony, He cared for His earthly mother. WALK IN THE SAME SONSHP!!

We need to have a heart of a son to our parents and heavenly Father... whose son are you?? The responsibility towards a father is being a son to my father.

Acts17:26 - God determines where and when to place me. Are we judging our father? Am I blocking my ability to walk in Sonship with God?

Gal 4:4 - He sent the Spirit of a Son who calls out ABBA. We are to learn sonship through our parents - to have a heart of a son.

Eph6:1-3 If I reject my father, I reject God's plan! If I honour my father, I am respecting God! Parents are authoritative figures placed over us by God!

Deu 27:16 Honour does not mean approval or condoning or excusing their behaviour. Honour means respecting their position ; they brought us into the world, they gave us lives. Even if we can't truly love them, then as Jesus commanded 'love thy enemy'- love them anyway.

Rom13:1-7 , 1Pet 2:13 -All authority is placed by God. Don't rebel against the authority that God has placed over us. He placed our parents as authority over us. Our parents gave us life. Don't reject and judge your father by stopping your heart from being a son. Then we will also reject the Father. Whenever you honour your earthly father, you honour your heavenly Father. Be a Son.

Mal 4:5 Turn the heart of the Father to the children. He allows us to forgive our parents and also to honour them. bring a restoration, a reconciliation back to God- it frees our heart. God comes to meet all our love needs. We can receive all our needs from our Father. When we walk in sonship, we learn to honour God. An inheritance passed on, the genetic and DNA code passed on. A right to everything our parents are- not earned but inherited. God imparts supernaturally for who they are , also on our spiritual parents. Have a heart of humility and submission- what it means to be a son in our heart. The example of the prodigal son's elder brother- he was doing everything right but he was not a son because he doesn't know his father.

Allow and let the spirit of sonship embrace our heart to be a son. The best way to reveal the Father is to be a son. Our relationship with our parents is linked with our relationship with God. Whose son are you?? He has put us in our family so that we can learn sonship. It's more about our heart, not theirs....

my personal reflection:-
growing up without a father and not even able to remember how he looks like - has caused me to block-off a part of me until now. however, it is really not about him anymore- it is about me being the daughter. there's a taint of regret in me i guess as i will never have a chance to be a good daughter to him... all of you out there, if you still have a chance- honour your parents, be a son or a daughter- it's about our heart... our Father is honoured when we honour our parents- not an option but a command with a blessing added to it...

Monday, March 3, 2008

Forgiveness Means Cancellation of All Debts

Benefits Of Forgiveness.

Only God can provide and give us the everlasting and wholesome love. Only God can supply the Primary Love. Hebrew 12:9 - God is the Father of our spirit. God is love and the very essence of God is LOVE. His first, middle and last name is LOVE !

We often seek to be loved, affirmed and satisfied by looking at man , who is only able to provide the secondary love-human love. That's how hurt, disappointment, bitterness, anger, frustrations and all other negative emotions creep in. In actual fact, man is unable to meet the need and take the place of God in filling our 'love tank'...

Let us therefore, release all the unmet expectations, forgive and look to God to provide and fill us. Let's get all hindrances out of the way. Let's rid ourselves off all unhealthy emotional connection and release them- letting go of all the hurts and disappointments. Let the onion skins be peeled off layer by layer.

Let us take responsibility and understand that forgiveness is a decision that we have to make, a progress we go through. We are the ones who 'will' it to be. It is a choice we undertake! You see, when we have chosen to forgive, there will no longer be any ill-will in out hearts, no pain or anguish because all the past hurts have been neutralised. God wants to 'infiltrate' every part of my life, into every situation and into every matter that concerns me... every good thing in our lives is from God-so let us be thankful at all times!!

Passage taken from Matthew 18:21-36 talks about the Parable of the Unforgiving Servant:

- a debt is owed when we feel that someone has failed us in our expectations of them and we are hurt...

-in the passage, before he forgives with integrity, the King wants to take into account- not just offering a 'blanket cover' eg We forgive all, but actually look into the accounts, and then cancel and release every debt- canceling specific transgressions against us, exactly what was taken from us and forgive on what we know and what we are conscious of being taken.

-the King knows that the servant was unable to repay the debt owed, and in his mercy, he has chosen to forgive and to cancel the debt owing him.

(Many a time, we are unable to pay back what we owe. We can't give away anything unless we first have them - see? Many times we are also bankrupt, we don't have it in the first place.

When we deal with forgiveness, ask God for compassion!!

Let Mercy triumph over Judgment !!

Imagine if God counts my iniquities , who then can stand??? but PTL !! He has chosen to remove them as far as the east is from the west....
Unless you cancel the debt and write off the account after you release forgiveness, it is not complete. You forgive and you no longer keep a record - you just cancel the debt because it is impossible to be repaid... so just release the whole thing and come out free...
How true it is to say that often times, we are the one who swallow the poison pills but expect the other person to die....I guess unforgiveness enables the bitter roots to grow in us and in the end we are the one who will suffer the consequence!!)

God's Love Is Unconditional but Forgiveness is Conditional.

If we want mercy from God, we have to grant mercy to others. If we want justice, then we are under the judgment from God also.
Matt 5:7 - Let us flow in grace and mercy - (cancel the debt)

Forgive on a daily basis Forgive at that moment!

Forgiveness Ensures Freedom-

"See to it that no one misses the grace of God and that no bitter root grows up to cause trouble and defile many." - Hebrews 12:15

In business and life the opportunity to harbor bitterness for a wrong suffered is great. We are given plenty of opportunities to grow bitter from relationships that bring hurt and pain. The writer of the Hebrews passage above admonishes us not to miss the grace of God so that we won't take up bitterness as a response to life's pain. He cautions us against this because he knows that a bitter root grows and grows until it eventually defiles many others through a wake of bitterness. If bitterness is allowed to take root, we become imprisoned to it. God's grace will no longer have as great an effect in our lives. We become ineffective, insensitive, and spiritually dead. We can even become physically ill from it. God does not live in bitterness. He lives in grace. He has provided grace for every person to walk in.

One day I was challenged to deal with an individual who hurt me terribly. I was faced with a decision. Would I choose bitterness, or would I choose grace? Oh, how my natural tendency was to choose bitterness. But God provided the courage to choose grace. With that grace came freedom - a freedom to love and even accept the person who was the source of such pain.

This is the real place where Christ's power is most revealed. We cannot live without His supernatural grace. Are you in need of grace today? It is there for the receiving. It will take courage to accept it and walk in it. This will be your step to freedom.

Os Hillman

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Father's Heart III

The Father's Plan Revealed.

Jn17:25 , Jn17:11, Matt6:5-15 -Jesus refers to God as the Father.
Mark 14:25-36 - At the most crucial time, Jesus cried to His ABBA
Jn1:1-2 - Jesus' life is all about His relationship with His Father
Jn1:18 , Jn 6:38-40 - He is found in His Father's bosom, in intimacy
Heb1:3 - He came to fulfill His Father's will, to reveal the Father and His heart
Jn5:19 , Jn 8:28, Luke 22:46 - Jesus is completely dependent on the Father
Jn 12:27 - we need God to open up heaven and tell us we are His sons
Jn 14:28 ,Jn 13:1-5 - Jesus knows who He was and it is His security in God that He is able to wash the disciples feet


Jn 14:6 , 1 Cor15:24-28
the right hand of God is Jesus ; the left hand of God is the Holy Spirit and both hands draw us to the bosom of the Father

Jn16:26-27 - God wants us to come directly to Him

Jn14:23 , Heb 2:10-12 , Jn 17:25, Jn 20:17
-Jesus is the first born- the Big brother goes before us. It is about the Family:- the Father who sent His Perfect Son to bring us all back to Him

John 17:3- ....and this is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God and Jesus Christ whom You have sent....
eternal life means unending life -not a destination! is knowing God in intimacy, more and more living in the Father's heart. It is NOW and not where)

Everything that Jesus did was an expression of His Father's heart
2Cor 1:21-22 -
do you feel that the Spirit of God is in us as a deposit guaranteeing us our inheritance?
Gal 20:20 , Col 2:9 , Jn 3:16 -
revelation of the Father's heart. He wants us to know Him

thoughts : in the book of revelation , it talks about God wiping away our tears...but there's not suppose to be any tears in heaven....- could it be that the Father was 'serving' the Bride and the Groom and this brought tears??? how wonderful is the thought- that He would love us so so very much :o)

Monday, February 18, 2008

Father's Heart II

The Fall From 'Son' to 'Orphan'.

Genesis 1 Everything that God created is GOOD. Everything that He created He loves and delights in

Rev 4:11 God created everything for His Pleasure. In a relationship with Him, the very purpose of our existence is for His pleasure-not His servants. He wants sons; not servants.

Gen 2:7 Everything He made He spoke but for man, God knelt down and borne man and breathe His breath of life- Jn 20:22. Breathing into the nostril required Intimacy -Rom 8:15

Adam's first page of life is written with the full expression of love- no rejection, no insecurity;- just acceptance and love...Adam was created in love, with love and for love - an everlasting love. There's such an intimacy, love and fellowship with God. An absolute expression of being loved- the 1st love. There wasn't a need to struggle or to try to manage negative pressures at all.
God walked with Adam, watching over His boy. No shame , no the sense of hiding-Gen1:27
God represents the 'masculine' (the Doing) and the 'feminine' (the Being)

God's ORIGINAL PLAN - 1Jn 4:16 -secured love ; sons and daughters.

The fall of Lucifer
Isa 14:12- the 5' I's- Lucifer wants to take the Father's Place
Eze 28:11-17 - with wickedness and pride

Lucifer was in God's presence but after being cast out, he became the ultimate orphan spirit-
Now his intent is to distort the Father's Image with twisted truth. The best way to hurt the Father is to hurt His children. He tricked Adam and Eve to believe that God wasn't good.

Gen 3: 22- human suffering and despair (desecration of the pure) caused God to 'drive' Adam and Eve from the garden of Eden because if they partake from the tree of life, they would live forever in the state of human despair. Out of love, God cast them off....

Fatherlessness spirit is the orphan spirit because of the separation from God's presence.
Gen 5:1-3 Adam is in God but Seth came from the image of Adam ( orphan spirit). Cain became a true orphan. The orphan wave is behind the 'fatherlessness' in today's world. Generation cycle of fatherlessness was inflicted by Lucifer.

(eg churches can't work together because we are insecure. Orphans think if they work hard, they can't get enough. Insecured and Intimidated- no identity, ability or inheritance. Symptoms of the orphan heart reflected in dysfunctional family, substance abuse, violence, disintegration of family fatherlessness creates a vacumn - we need to be fathered. Orphan spirit called us to be separated from God. Brokeness in the society is from the state of being fatherless...

Ps 65:5 -He will be the Father to the fatherless.
Gal3:13- God redeems( buy back, repurchase, restore the intimacy)
Jn14:18- I will not leave you orphans- Jesus expressed the Father's heart.

He sees our pain, our disappointment, the violation in out heart. Orphan spirit cannot be cast out- only PERFECT LOVE CAN CAST OUT FEAR. It is the absence in God's Presence.

The Holy Spirit has deposited in us the guarantee to be His. What incredible Inheritance!!

*Jesus came to redeem and restore us back into the Father's purpose, the very existence of our being...
*Drive out every orphan 's way by His LOVE
*Love the Lord and reflect the love of God over us
*Satan seduces and reduces us in his strategy to bring us all out



Father's Heart 1

Journey Back Home...

Ever wondered why we are created? why we exist? Who is this that has created me?

Let us always go back to the basics, to the origin, to the Father's heart :-

Jer 31:3 ..I have loved you with an everlasting love, therefore with loving kindness I have drawn you....

Ps 71:6 You I have been upheld from birth, You are He who took me out of my mother's womb, my praise shall be continually of You...

Eph3:17-20 that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith, that you, being rooted and grounded in love, may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the width and length and depth and height- to know the love of Christ which passes knowledge, that you be filled with all the fullness of God. Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us...

God is love and He has created us to be loved perfectly and unconditionally. When we actually realise how much we are loved, we can't help but to get deeper. We are created with an expectation and need to be loved- an in-built DNA

Gen 1:27 He has created us in His Image...

1Jn4:16 and we have known and believe the love that God has for us. God is love, and
he who abides in love abides in God, and he in God...

In our DNA, we bear the image of love- God is love- our 1st love (unconditional +self giving)
Our second love is the expression from our family...the horizontal 2nd love cannot fulfill the 1st love which ONLY God can give. Return to your 1st love

There's always a 'hole' in our soul waiting to be filled- looking for it through performance , achievements , relationships , religion and being driven etc etc - so do we serve because we love or we serve to find love??

Knowledge is meant to point us to revelation - the head is the faculty but the heart is the feeling. Our new identity, new destinity is as a child of His , to receive His generational Blessings...

The posture to relate to the Holy Spirit is as a student
The posture to relate to the Father is as a child

#before fulfilling the Great Commission, we need to fulfill the Great Commandment!! #

# we can only give away what we have first received #

#we don't have to perform to be loved#

Ps 68:5 ..this is our destiny to be sons to the Father..
Mat 11:27 , Rom 8:15-16 ... we are loved beyond our wildest dream
Rom 5:5 ....Holy Spirit given us to fill our heart with His love

Hosea 11:4 ...Let us desire to be love perfectly

vision:- to re attach the umbilical cord back to the Father
- total dependence on Him- abide in His love

Friday, February 15, 2008

Who will take it up?

Was having tea with some friends and we got into discussing about duties, obligations vs genuine relational caring!! Where do we draw a line to define genuine care? When do we know if our intentions are pure, or it is bec we felt that we are forced to- doesn't every friendship begin with the first step, or call it initiative to get to know- to extend a hand -to make the first move??? Can we then term the initiate move as a 'scheme or a move which is laid with an ultimate motive?' ; leading to the question "why can't we let it move on naturally"...I think many a time, it does mean that we need to take a deliberate step n start off , to lay the first brick, subsequently to pave the foundation, and then the pathway...

I was reminded of a very old song we once sang years ago in our ISCA-
whoever shall call on the name of the Lord, shall surely be saved and live ever more,
but how can they call, how can they receive, when they have not heard of Jesus before,
how can they hear when there's no one to tell, of grace so abundant, of love so divine,
how beautiful are the feet of such people, who will walk there and break down the walls...=

how very true- I think I may have jumbled up some words but we do need people to take the initial step- to extend that hand of fellowship- there's always one who has been praying for us before we ourselves were saved- there's always the one who have reached out to us first...

So now can we not take it up?? Can we not be the one to put on the robe of a 'spiritual parent' , to look after our fellow brother and sister- to let them know that we are here for them?? what does it take?? I guess when we are talking about any work for Him, we are bound to know that the only requirement is that we are to have the eyes of our Lord- to see with the eyes of compassion and love- which is the only motivation to move us to reach out and care for another....

Just imagine if each of us would reach out and deliberately touch one or two persons for Christ for a start, we can indeed build one another up in no time at all- so what's with this hesitation, what's with this doubts or fear of sharing and investing our lives with others- Jesus said " If you love Me, feed My lambs!!"......

What's the fuss about responsibility and obligations- why not???... maybe put it in other way, if we can't be blessed, we be the the one who bring the blessings- bec it is indeed more blessed to give than to receive and also freely we receive, freely we give...

Jesus is PURE LOVE- Lord, let me know You more !! Lord , let me love You more !!!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

A brand new world!

Yes, I have a BLOG!=)