Sunday, July 4, 2010

Way Down Memory Lane- 30 years ago

I couldn't believe it! but it is true..

I've got some friends who looked me up via FB recently and these are seriousy precious people from my 'wonder years ' back then... back almost 30 years..

Those were such good times, when we were all so 'sold- out' serving the Lord so fervently during the ISCA era- where we sang, danced, share or preached our heart out- not witholding anything.. so much young energy and so much zeal during those secondary school years before we went on our separate ways and imagine after 30 years we are reconnected .. how awesome!! (despite of some apparent changes to our physical outlooks - we all grew up and matured graciously but somehow I still feel such warmth and closeness to those whom I am privileged to be in contact again...)
Wow!! Amazing and totally overwhelming- and someone actually have some pixz from that era!! I hope to have my " way down memory lane " file ie my personal musuem archive