Saturday, April 4, 2009


I was at a Conference held by the HRM of Dural, Sydney yesterday where Stacia Thompson and Elaine Perkins from IAHRM , Spokane taught...

It was good bec of the 'refreshing and fresh download' from the Lord... i always long for more of Him anyway and it is great to be in His Presence- they shared on the 'religious spirit' but what I caught was actually during a Prayer Session where Stacia led the Ozzies to declare over their nation- many rose up and 'spoke into being/ calling forth' the purposes of God for the nation and it was really great bec you can see that it is the Spirit of the Lord directing each declaration and it shall come to pass..

Another thing that i brought back to Newcastle is what has been proclaimed and declared ie our ( the parents') ceiling will be our children's floor- the platform raised for them to step on and beyond...

there was a teenager whom the Lord has used to prophesy and crying out she said.....

....everything that can be shaken will be shaken, there is only ONE foundation- the one founded upon the Rock...there is a deep passion, an urgent need placed within each youth- something they can't contain.. something they can't hold back... it has to be released, it has to be called forth- if we ( the church, the parents) do not release them, they will turn, they will turn to drugs, to alcohol, to sex , to anything that is a counterfeit... to destructions

she cried out- ....release and freedom!!.. freedom to sing , freedom to dance, freedom to be what the Lord has meant us to be...there is a SOUND from within- it has to be released...the Sound of the New Generation, the sound of the rising up of the new generation of the Army of God who will take the world for Him... FREEDOM TO RELEASE THE SOUND...

this generation do not want to embrace religion- they want JESUS- don't judge the way they are, they are meant...- don't give them the 'container that store Jesus (according to our perspective, according to what we know or think how it should be done)- GIVE THEM JESUS...!!!.. Let them go all out for Jesus , not the container....

Release the next generation of Joshua and Caleb into their destinies... they know that there are giants but they see beyond- they see the milk and they will eat of the honey- courageous and bold...they see the Lord of Hosts who goes before them.. they go out in victory....

we as parents, as elders - bless them , release them into the freedom to fulfill their destinies in Christ...

as parents .... do you see.. do recognise the season and the time.....???