Wednesday, June 4, 2008

A Christian Life is not a Funeral but A Feast

#You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies;
You anoint my head with oil, my cup runs over,
surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life;
and I dwell in the house of the Lord forever # ( Ps 23:5-6)

Often times, I hear this prayer , "God make me a 'better' person...." but upon reflection, I think it should be prayed , "Lord make me into a NEW Person!". Following Jesus means a new birth because He said .." unless you are born again..."- a new birth and a new way of life... also He said, that we are to shed off our 'old wineskin because the old wineskin cannot contain the new wine that is to be poured into it (Matt 9:16-17). We are to put off the old wineskin and put on the new wineskin so that the Lord can pour into us the new wine... are you eagerly anticipating and expecting this new wine..??

When we become Christians, we no more decide on our own thinking and our own feelings but our point of reference is now in the Bible... Jesus came not to 'patch' us but to TRANSFORM us into new lives in Christ.... this new life in Christ cannot be 'patched' on old tradition, old practices or religion etc. Jesus gives unto us a spiritual joy that becomes our strength, an inner peace that transcends all understanding and the very Presence of the Lord within us !!!... Hallelujah ! ..liken to having a feast with Him whenever we are found in His presence... what is it that has hindered us to 'feast' with the Lord as the table has already been prepared?? is it our time, is it our priority, is it our old thinking- what are we actually missing out here- time to ponder !!....

# when He saw the multitudes, He was moved with compassion for them,
because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep having no shepherd...#
(Matt 9:36)

What am I doing to the sheep that are lost- am I leading them back to the Way, the Truth and the Life.. ?' I involved or do I see them through the eyes of Jesus... is my heart moved with compassion ... do I pray when I see the burden ; am I also prepared to be the 'answer' that God will use me to reach out to them... someone reminded me that I am saved not just to do 'good works' but I am saved to be a 'servant of God!' ( I am called to do as Jesus does... I am called to be actively involved). When God calls, He calls us to serve Him - He said, "Go ye into the world and preach...." There is no such thing as 'secret discipleship'- we are to be the light and the salt of the world.... It may be costly to answer His call but it's most REWARDING when we obey....

Freely you have received, freely give.... (Matt 10:8)

The requirement is our co operation and faith in obedience....

Let us catch Jesus' PASSION, DESIRE and DRIVE'- let us be ignited and set ablaze for HIM...
( so what is it that we are willing to surrender eg the old wineskin to answer His call? are we willing to be transformed and touched by Jesus deep within so that others can notice the difference... what kind of personal experience are we receiving from Him with regards to our walk with Him this week? and what kind of response others have with regards to our walk....? do we make a difference for Him to those who cross our path)

Let's join in the Feast!! ..... Rejoice!! ...

# behold I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine and he with Me... #
( Rev 3:20)