Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Father's Heart III

The Father's Plan Revealed.

Jn17:25 , Jn17:11, Matt6:5-15 -Jesus refers to God as the Father.
Mark 14:25-36 - At the most crucial time, Jesus cried to His ABBA
Jn1:1-2 - Jesus' life is all about His relationship with His Father
Jn1:18 , Jn 6:38-40 - He is found in His Father's bosom, in intimacy
Heb1:3 - He came to fulfill His Father's will, to reveal the Father and His heart
Jn5:19 , Jn 8:28, Luke 22:46 - Jesus is completely dependent on the Father
Jn 12:27 - we need God to open up heaven and tell us we are His sons
Jn 14:28 ,Jn 13:1-5 - Jesus knows who He was and it is His security in God that He is able to wash the disciples feet


Jn 14:6 , 1 Cor15:24-28
the right hand of God is Jesus ; the left hand of God is the Holy Spirit and both hands draw us to the bosom of the Father

Jn16:26-27 - God wants us to come directly to Him

Jn14:23 , Heb 2:10-12 , Jn 17:25, Jn 20:17
-Jesus is the first born- the Big brother goes before us. It is about the Family:- the Father who sent His Perfect Son to bring us all back to Him

John 17:3- ....and this is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God and Jesus Christ whom You have sent....
eternal life means unending life -not a destination!....it is knowing God in intimacy, more and more living in the Father's heart. It is NOW and not where)

Everything that Jesus did was an expression of His Father's heart
2Cor 1:21-22 -
do you feel that the Spirit of God is in us as a deposit guaranteeing us our inheritance?
Gal 20:20 , Col 2:9 , Jn 3:16 -
revelation of the Father's heart. He wants us to know Him

thoughts : in the book of revelation , it talks about God wiping away our tears...but there's not suppose to be any tears in heaven....- could it be that the Father was 'serving' the Bride and the Groom and this brought tears??? how wonderful is the thought- that He would love us so so very much :o)

Monday, February 18, 2008

Father's Heart II

The Fall From 'Son' to 'Orphan'.

Genesis 1 Everything that God created is GOOD. Everything that He created He loves and delights in

Rev 4:11 God created everything for His Pleasure. In a relationship with Him, the very purpose of our existence is for His pleasure-not His servants. He wants sons; not servants.

Gen 2:7 Everything He made He spoke but for man, God knelt down and borne man and breathe His breath of life- Jn 20:22. Breathing into the nostril required Intimacy -Rom 8:15

Adam's first page of life is written with the full expression of love- no rejection, no insecurity;- just acceptance and love...Adam was created in love, with love and for love - an everlasting love. There's such an intimacy, love and fellowship with God. An absolute expression of being loved- the 1st love. There wasn't a need to struggle or to try to manage negative pressures at all.
God walked with Adam, watching over His boy. No shame , no the sense of hiding-Gen1:27
God represents the 'masculine' (the Doing) and the 'feminine' (the Being)

God's ORIGINAL PLAN - 1Jn 4:16 -secured love ; sons and daughters.

The fall of Lucifer
Isa 14:12- the 5' I's- Lucifer wants to take the Father's Place
Eze 28:11-17 - with wickedness and pride

Lucifer was in God's presence but after being cast out, he became the ultimate orphan spirit-
Now his intent is to distort the Father's Image with twisted truth. The best way to hurt the Father is to hurt His children. He tricked Adam and Eve to believe that God wasn't good.

Gen 3: 22- human suffering and despair (desecration of the pure) caused God to 'drive' Adam and Eve from the garden of Eden because if they partake from the tree of life, they would live forever in the state of human despair. Out of love, God cast them off....

Fatherlessness spirit is the orphan spirit because of the separation from God's presence.
Gen 5:1-3 Adam is in God but Seth came from the image of Adam ( orphan spirit). Cain became a true orphan. The orphan wave is behind the 'fatherlessness' in today's world. Generation cycle of fatherlessness was inflicted by Lucifer.

(eg churches can't work together because we are insecure. Orphans think if they work hard, they can't get enough. Insecured and Intimidated- no identity, ability or inheritance. Symptoms of the orphan heart reflected in dysfunctional family, substance abuse, violence, disintegration of family fatherlessness creates a vacumn - we need to be fathered. Orphan spirit called us to be separated from God. Brokeness in the society is from the state of being fatherless...

Ps 65:5 -He will be the Father to the fatherless.
Gal3:13- God redeems( buy back, repurchase, restore the intimacy)
Jn14:18- I will not leave you orphans- Jesus expressed the Father's heart.

He sees our pain, our disappointment, the violation in out heart. Orphan spirit cannot be cast out- only PERFECT LOVE CAN CAST OUT FEAR. It is the absence in God's Presence.

The Holy Spirit has deposited in us the guarantee to be His. What incredible Inheritance!!

*Jesus came to redeem and restore us back into the Father's purpose, the very existence of our being...
*Drive out every orphan 's way by His LOVE
*Love the Lord and reflect the love of God over us
*Satan seduces and reduces us in his strategy to bring us all out



Father's Heart 1

Journey Back Home...

Ever wondered why we are created? why we exist? Who is this that has created me?

Let us always go back to the basics, to the origin, to the Father's heart :-

Jer 31:3 ..I have loved you with an everlasting love, therefore with loving kindness I have drawn you....

Ps 71:6 ...by You I have been upheld from birth, You are He who took me out of my mother's womb, my praise shall be continually of You...

Eph3:17-20 that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith, that you, being rooted and grounded in love, may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the width and length and depth and height- to know the love of Christ which passes knowledge, that you be filled with all the fullness of God. Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us...

God is love and He has created us to be loved perfectly and unconditionally. When we actually realise how much we are loved, we can't help but to get deeper. We are created with an expectation and need to be loved- an in-built DNA

Gen 1:27 He has created us in His Image...

1Jn4:16 and we have known and believe the love that God has for us. God is love, and
he who abides in love abides in God, and he in God...

In our DNA, we bear the image of love- God is love- our 1st love (unconditional +self giving)
Our second love is the expression from our family...the horizontal 2nd love cannot fulfill the 1st love which ONLY God can give. Return to your 1st love

There's always a 'hole' in our soul waiting to be filled- looking for it through performance , achievements , relationships , religion and being driven etc etc - so do we serve because we love or we serve to find love??

Knowledge is meant to point us to revelation - the head is the faculty but the heart is the feeling. Our new identity, new destinity is as a child of His , to receive His generational Blessings...

The posture to relate to the Holy Spirit is as a student
The posture to relate to the Father is as a child

#before fulfilling the Great Commission, we need to fulfill the Great Commandment!! #

# we can only give away what we have first received #

#we don't have to perform to be loved#

Ps 68:5 ..this is our destiny to be sons to the Father..
Mat 11:27 , Rom 8:15-16 ... we are loved beyond our wildest dream
Rom 5:5 ....Holy Spirit given us to fill our heart with His love

Hosea 11:4 ...Let us desire to be love perfectly

vision:- to re attach the umbilical cord back to the Father
- total dependence on Him- abide in His love

Friday, February 15, 2008

Who will take it up?

Was having tea with some friends and we got into discussing about duties, obligations vs genuine relational caring!! Where do we draw a line to define genuine care? When do we know if our intentions are pure, or it is bec we felt that we are forced to- doesn't every friendship begin with the first step, or call it initiative to get to know- to extend a hand -to make the first move??? Can we then term the initiate move as a 'scheme or a move which is laid with an ultimate motive?' ; leading to the question "why can't we let it move on naturally"...I think many a time, it does mean that we need to take a deliberate step n start off , to lay the first brick, subsequently to pave the foundation, and then the pathway...

I was reminded of a very old song we once sang years ago in our ISCA-
whoever shall call on the name of the Lord, shall surely be saved and live ever more,
but how can they call, how can they receive, when they have not heard of Jesus before,
how can they hear when there's no one to tell, of grace so abundant, of love so divine,
how beautiful are the feet of such people, who will walk there and break down the walls...=

how very true- I think I may have jumbled up some words but we do need people to take the initial step- to extend that hand of fellowship- there's always one who has been praying for us before we ourselves were saved- there's always the one who have reached out to us first...

So now can we not take it up?? Can we not be the one to put on the robe of a 'spiritual parent' , to look after our fellow brother and sister- to let them know that we are here for them?? what does it take?? I guess when we are talking about any work for Him, we are bound to know that the only requirement is that we are to have the eyes of our Lord- to see with the eyes of compassion and love- which is the only motivation to move us to reach out and care for another....

Just imagine if each of us would reach out and deliberately touch one or two persons for Christ for a start, we can indeed build one another up in no time at all- so what's with this hesitation, what's with this doubts or fear of sharing and investing our lives with others- Jesus said " If you love Me, feed My lambs!!"......

What's the fuss about responsibility and obligations- why not???... maybe put it in other way, if we can't be blessed, we be the the one who bring the blessings- bec it is indeed more blessed to give than to receive and also freely we receive, freely we give...

Jesus is PURE LOVE- Lord, let me know You more !! Lord , let me love You more !!!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

A brand new world!

Yes, I have a BLOG!=)